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abbess 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abbesses, plural;
  1. A woman who is the head of an abbey of nuns

  1. the superior of a group of nuns
  2. The Abbess: A Romance is a gothic novel by William Henry Ireland first published in 1799. . The eponymous central character, Mother Vittoria Bracciano is a female equivalent of 'Monk Lewis's Ambrosio, motivated by dark and powerful forces. ...
  3. (Abbesses (Paris Métro)) Abbesses is a station on Line 12 of the Paris Métro in the Montmartre district and the 18th arrondissement. Abbesses is one of the few deep stations of Paris métro, at 36 metres (118 feet) below ground, as it is located on western side of the butte (hill) of Montmartre. ...
  4. A female superior or governess of a nunnery, or convent of nuns, having the same authority over the nuns which the abbots have over the monks
  5. (from masc. abbot; Gr. Hegoumeni). The female superior of a community of nuns appointed by a bishop; Mother Superior. She has general authority over her community and nunnery under the supervision of a bishop.
  6. female head of a nunnery of the Benedictine or related orders
  7. a woman in charge of the nuns in an abbey
  8. female leader of a religious community based at a Nunnery or Convent; a Mother Superior.
  9. For a young woman to dream that she sees an abbess, denotes that she will be compelled to perform distasteful tasks, and will submit to authority only after unsuccessful rebellion. To dream of an abbess smiling and benignant, denotes you will be surrounded by true friends and pleasing prospects.
  10. Head of an abbey of nuns