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abatement 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(often in legal use) The ending, reduction, or lessening of something,
  1. (often in legal use) The ending, reduction, or lessening of something
    • - noise abatement
    • - an abatement in the purchase price

  1. suspension: an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
  2. the act of abating; "laws enforcing noise abatement"
  3. (abate) slake: make less active or intense
  4. (abate) become less in amount or intensity; "The storm abated"; "The rain let up after a few hours"
  5. An abatement, in heraldry, is a modification of the shield or coat of arms that supposedly can be imposed by authority (in England supposedly by the Court of Chivalry) for misconduct. ...
  6. (ABATE) State motorcyclists' rights organizations (SMROs) exist in about 32 US states, 25 of which call themselves "ABATE of (state name)," the rest going by various other names. ...
  7. (Abate (surname)) Abate is a surname both of Ethiopian and Italian origin. People with it include the following: *Abiyote Abate (born 1980), Ethiopian long-distance runner *Atnafu Abate (late 1930s-1977), Ethiopian military officer and politician *Beniamino Abate (born 1962), Italian football ( ...
  8. Abated, an ancient technical term applied in masonry and metal work to those portions which are sunk beneath the surface, as in inscriptions where the ground is sunk round the letters so as to leave the letters or ornament in relief.
  9. The act of abating, or the state of being abated; a lessening, diminution, or reduction; removal or putting an end to; as, the abatement of a nuisance is the suppression thereof; The amount abated; that which is taken away by way of reduction; deduction; decrease; a rebate or discount allowed; ...
  10. (abate) abatement. - Sir Thomas Browne; To bring down or reduce to a lower state, number, degree or estimation; To diminish in force or intensity; To deduct or omit; To bar or except; To bring someone down physically or mentally; To put an end to; to do away with; To be defeated or come ...
  11. (abating) Anesis
  12. Abatements reduce the amount of tax by providing a reduction. The City has several abatement programs: the J-51 housing rehabilitation, the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption, the Lower Manhattan Revitalization and the Cooperative and Condominium abatement. (See also exemptions)
  13. (ABATE) Injunction has been received by the courts. Property is out of compliance
  14. (Abate) To bring into conformity with the provisions of this code, either by reconstruction or modification pursuant to a valid permit, or by removal or obliteration as directed by the Chief Building Official or Zoning Enforcement Official.
  15. (Abate) To cut away so as to leave parts in relief.
  16. (Abate) To eliminate a (disease or parasite) problem by removing or treating bees and beekeeping equipment so that there is no possibility of contaminating other colonies.
  17. (Abate) Verb  Lessen,let up,ease,die down,subside
  18. (abate) (v) - to lessen; to lower the intensity
  19. (abate) (v) to put an end to; to decrease in amount, number, or degree
  20. (abate) Reduce, do away with, decrease.
  21. The ABATE acronym is understood to have several meaning. ABATE is a social club and lobbying organization that seeks to preserve and regain legal rights on behalf of the motorcycling community.
  22. To abate a nuisance (q.v.) is to remove or reduce it without violence or unnecessary damage. Abatement is an alternative to bringing a court action.
  23. (ABATED) [Gen. 8: 3,8,11; Lev. 27: 18; Deut. 34: 7; Jude 8: 3] Reduced to a lower state; decreased; subsided; declined.
  24. (abated) Page:  Chapter 4 Pg. 33
  25. (abated) made less in amount, degree, or force.