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abate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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abated, past participle; abated, past tense; abating, present participle; abates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. (of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) Become less intense or widespread
    • - the storm suddenly abated
  2. Cause to become smaller or less intense
    • - nothing abated his crusading zeal
  3. Lessen, reduce, or remove (esp. a nuisance)
    • - this action would not have been sufficient to abate the odor nuisance

  1. slake: make less active or intense
  2. become less in amount or intensity; "The storm abated"; "The rain let up after a few hours"
  3. (abatement) suspension: an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
  4. (abatement) the act of abating; "laws enforcing noise abatement"
  5. State motorcyclists' rights organizations (SMROs) exist in about 32 US states, 25 of which call themselves "ABATE of (state name)," the rest going by various other names. ...
  6. Abate is a surname both of Ethiopian and Italian origin. People with it include the following: *Abiyote Abate (born 1980), Ethiopian long-distance runner *Atnafu Abate (late 1930s-1977), Ethiopian military officer and politician *Beniamino Abate (born 1962), Italian football (soccer) goalkeeper ...
  7. Abated, an ancient technical term applied in masonry and metal work to those portions which are sunk beneath the surface, as in inscriptions where the ground is sunk round the letters so as to leave the letters or ornament in relief.
  8. (Abatement (heraldry)) An abatement, in heraldry, is a modification of the shield or coat of arms that supposedly can be imposed by authority (in England supposedly by the Court of Chivalry) for misconduct. ...
  9. abatement. - Sir Thomas Browne; To bring down or reduce to a lower state, number, degree or estimation; To diminish in force or intensity; To deduct or omit; To bar or except; To bring someone down physically or mentally; To put an end to; to do away with; To be defeated or come to ...
  10. (abatement) The act of abating, or the state of being abated; a lessening, diminution, or reduction; removal or putting an end to; as, the abatement of a nuisance is the suppression thereof; The amount abated; that which is taken away by way of reduction; deduction; decrease; a rebate or ...
  11. (abating) Anesis
  12. (ABATED) [Gen. 8: 3,8,11; Lev. 27: 18; Deut. 34: 7; Jude 8: 3] Reduced to a lower state; decreased; subsided; declined.
  13. (abated) Page:  Chapter 4 Pg. 33
  14. (abated) made less in amount, degree, or force.
  15. (Abatement) To reduce, diminish or temporarily suspend.
  16. (ABATEMENT) A reduction, a decrease, or a diminution. The suspension or cessation, in whole or in part, of a continuing charge, such as rent.
  17. (Abatement) A discount allowed for damage or overcharge in the payment of a bill.
  18. (Abatement) A reduction in some amount that is owed, usually granted by the person to whom the debt is owed. For example, a landlord might grant an abatement in rent. ...
  19. (Abatement) Often and commonly referred to as free rent or early occupancy and may occur outside or in addition to the primary term of the lease.
  20. (abatement) Elimination or reduction of real estate taxes to attract new business to an area.
  21. (abatement) In law, the removal or control of an annoyance, such as a sign not meeting a community's sign code. Most commonly used as term associated with removal of asbestos.
  22. (Abatement) Reducing the degree or intensity of, or eliminating, pollution.
  23. (Abatement) The difference between the amount of the estate an heir is to receive as specified in a will and the amount actually received, due to property devaluation between the time the will was made and when the death occurred; the entry of a stranger into the estate after the death of the ...
  24. (Abatement) Involves either removal of the painted surface, covering the painted surface with an impermeable surface, or covering surface with heavy-duty coating (encapsulant).
  25. (Abatement) Complete or partial cancellation of a levy imposed by a governmental unit. Abatements usually apply to tax levies, special assessments, and service charges.