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aback 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Toward or situated to the rear,
  1. Toward or situated to the rear
    • - the little strip of pasture aback of the house
  2. With the sail pressed backward against the mast by a headwind

  1. having the wind against the forward side of the sails; "the ship came up into the wind with all yards aback"
  2. by surprise; "taken aback by the caustic remarks"
  3. A Sail is a-back when its forward Surface is acted upon by the Wind.
  4. A sail is said the be aback when the wind blows upon the reverse side. The condition of a headsail which is held to windward by the weather sheets; usually an intentional action to bring the bows round quickly - to back the Jib.
  5. (of a sail) filled by the wind the wrong way, thereby propelling the ship astern rather than ahead.
  6. Wind filling the sail from the opposite direction to that intended. If a sail fills correctly the boat moves forwards. If the sail is aback then the boat stops or heads off in reverse. ...
  7. adv.achanak ; achanchak;
  8. Away, aloof, backwards.