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vocabulary 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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vocabularies, plural;
  1. The body of words used in a particular language

  2. A part of such a body of words used on a particular occasion or in a particular sphere
    • - the vocabulary of law
    • - the term became part of business vocabulary
  3. The body of words known to an individual person
    • - he had a wide vocabulary
  4. A list of difficult or unfamiliar words with an explanation of their meanings, accompanying a piece of specialist or foreign-language text

  5. A range of artistic or stylistic forms, techniques, or movements
    • - dance companies have their own vocabularies of movement

  1. a listing of the words used in some enterprise
  2. a language user's knowledge of words
  3. the system of techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression (as in arts or crafts); "he introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques"
  4. A person's vocabulary is the set of words they are familiar with in a language. A vocabulary usually grows and evolves with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge.
  5. Vocabulary is the debut album of British New Wave group Europeans. It was released on LP in September 1983; no CD version is available yet.
  6. A usually alphabetized and explained collection of words e.g. of a particular field, or prepared for a specific purpose, often for learning; The collection of words a person knows and uses; The stock of words used in a particular field; The words of a language collectively
  7. (vocabularies) steps, movements, sequences, and ways of moving, which may be personal (e.g., in creative dance) or particular to a dance form (e.g., folk dance)
  8. The words and phrases of a language, especially when arranged in a list, glossary, or lexis; see dictionary, thesaurus, syntax. Also, any collection of signs or symbols constituting a means or system of nonverbal communication; see sign language, semiotics. ...
  9. The words we must know in order to communicate effectively. Oral vocabulary refers to words that we use in speaking or recognize in listening. Reading vocabulary refers to words we recognize or use in print.
  10. The collection of words a student knows and uses in everyday speech and writing. More successful students understand the importance of growing and expanding their vocabulary, from learning a new word each day to other methods of expanding their understanding and usage of words. ...
  11. The stock of available words in (1) a given language or (2) a given speaker of that language.
  12. In this context, lists of terms available for selecting as metadata values for inclusion in the ANDS Collections Registry.
  13. The set of words/ pictures/ line drawings/ photographs used in a person’s everyday communication
  14. Knowing the specific names of things. One of the six early literacy skills.
  15. A collection of words that the system is able to recognize using Natural Language Speech Recognition.
  16. show a list of vocabularies found in the given text or web URL and their meanings
  17. b . A "dialect" or set of XML tags used to describe a particular data structure. A vocabulary is defined using a DTD or Schema.
  18. In discussing relationships, phrases like “brother or sister” and “son or daughter” come up again and again. Here are standard gender-neutral terms that I’ll use to shorten the following discussion:
  19. A set of terms (e.g., words) that are used in a specific community. Related GuideSynonyms: Vocabularies
  20. (i.e. words used in your essay) can help the admission committee judge you without looking at your documents. It is a bad idea to use too sophisticated words, especially if you do not completely understand their meaning, but one-syllable simple words shouldn’t be used either. ...
  21. Define the listed terms and describe how or why they are significant to the episode. You may have to use outside sources.
  22. The technical terms used to describe various testing types, tools, principles, concepts and activities.
  23. Circle any words you do not understand. In groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.
  24. Learning multiple meanings, synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, suffixes, parts of speech, and using context clues help students broaden their oral expression, writing, and speaking skills.
  25. The 270+ words are spread across the 26 main topics and 4 bonus topics. Each main topic features 8-10 vocabulary words either in a list format or embedded into the picture. These give students a foundation for English learning.