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synonymous 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a word or phrase) Having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language,
  1. (of a word or phrase) Having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language
    • - aggression is often taken as synonymous with violence
  2. Closely associated with or suggestive of something
    • - his deeds had made his name synonymous with victory

  1. (of words) meaning the same or nearly the same
  2. (synonymously) in a synonymous manner; "the two terms are used synonymously"
  3. (synonymousness) synonymy: the semantic relation that holds between two words that can (in a given context) express the same meaning
  4. having a similar meaning; of, or being a synonym; Such that both its forms yield the same sequenced protein
  5. Having exactly the same meaning in more than one use; see homonymous / synonymous / paronymous. Although many since Aristotle have supposed this to be essential for effective communication, Quine has shown that the indeterminacy of translation renders genuine synonymy difficult to secure.
  6. synonyms are different scientific names used for a single taxon. They might arise when someone mistakenly describes a species that has already been described, or when two described taxa are later found to be the same species.
  7. having same meaning ; suggestive of; associated with
  8. A synonymous definition occurs where a single word (or term) is provided as the definition of another. Thus, "Technology is tools," states an equality and interchangeability between these two terms and the single concept they are said to define. ...
  9. with refers to a synonym.