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sophistication 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sophistications, plural;
  1. The quality of being sophisticated
    • - her air of sophistication and confidence
    • - the technological sophistication of their products

  1. edification: uplifting enlightenment
  2. sophism: a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone
  3. being expert or having knowledge of some technical subject; "understanding affine transformations requires considerable mathematical sophistication"
  4. the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated and worldly through cultivation or experience or disillusionment
  5. falsification by the use of sophistry; misleading by means of specious fallacies; "he practiced the art of sophistication upon reason"
  6. (sophisticate) make less natural or innocent; "Their manners had sophisticated the young girls"
  7. (sophisticate) a worldly-wise person
  8. (sophisticate) twist: practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive; "Don't twist my words"
  9. Sophistication is the quality of refinement -- displaying good taste, wisdom and subtlety rather than crudeness, stupidity and vulgarity.
  10. Enlightenment or education; Cultivated intellectual worldliness; savoir-faire; Deceptive logic; sophistry; Falsification or contamination; Complexity
  11. (sophisticated) Having obtained worldly experience, and lacking naiveté; cosmopolitan; elegant, refined; Complicated, especially of complex technology; Appealing to the tastes of an intellectual; cerebral; Dishonest or misleading (rare; primarily British English)
  12. (SOPHISTICATED) Books that have had repairs that involve making additions to the original (e.g.: chips filled in and tinted to match the missing portion, replaced page corners, etc.).
  13. (Sophisticated) Highly developed, complex & elegant.
  14. (Sophisticated) Many of the topics we discuss are very advanced and require a high level of technical or business acumen to appreciate.
  15. (Sophisticated) Plain. White walls with zebra print rug and furnishings. A large piece of abstract art is in the dining room and a canvas the size of a Chevy hangs on the wall covered in what appears to be pantyhose, tin foil, and computer diskettes.
  16. (sophisticated) A. representing high culture, very experienced in life
  17. The level of knowledge the customer has of the market and products available both domestically and internationally.
  18. the level of sophistication refers to the degree to which core and advanced criteria for asset management planning have been achieved. Criteria for core and advanced asset management planning are set out in the International Infrastructure Management Manual.^18
  19. The more ‘mature’ a prospect and overall market is, the more ‘sophisticated’ it’s considered to be. The term really refers to the level of exposure the prospect and market has received to advertisements for products like yours. ...
  20. the ability to yawn without opening your mouth.
  21. To make more complex and inclusive; to refine
  22. An attempt to increase the value of a book by “improving” it, by adding missing leaves from another copy, by heavily restoring it etc.
  23. (so·phis·ti·ca·tion) (s[schwa]-fis²t[ibreve]-ka¢sh[schwa]n) [Gr. sophistikos deceitful]  the adulteration of food or medicine.