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segregation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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segregations, plural;
  1. The action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart
    • - the segregation of pupils with learning difficulties
  2. The enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment
    • - an official policy of racial segregation
  3. The separation of pairs of alleles at meiosis and their independent transmission via separate gametes

  1. (genetics) the separation of paired alleles during meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes
  2. a social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups
  3. the act of segregating or sequestering; "sequestration of the jury"
  4. (segregated) separated or isolated from others or a main group; "a segregated school system"; "a segregated neighborhood"
  5. (Segregate (taxonomy)) In taxonomy, a segregate, or a segregate taxon is created when a taxon is split off, from another taxon. This other taxon will be better known, usually bigger, and will continue to exist, even after the segregate taxon has been split off. ...
  6. The setting apart or separation of things or people, as a natural process, a manner of organizing people the may be voluntary or enforced by law; Separation from a mass, and gathering about centers or into cavities at hand through cohesive or adhesive attraction or the crystallizing process; ...
  7. (segregate) To separate, used especially of social policies that directly or indirectly keep races or ethnic groups apart; Separate; select; Separated from others of the same kind
  8. (segregate) distinct, kept apart
  9. (Segregated) An account with an investment adviser holding separate funds to be used only for agreed-upon purposes.
  10. Separation of replicated chromosomes to opposite sides of the cell. Distribution of alleles on chromosomes into gametes during meiosis.
  11. The separation of the components of wet concrete caused by excessive handling or vibration.
  12. The isolation of securities that the firm may not use for hypothecation or loan. The securities, which must be "locked up" by the firm, represent fully paid-for securities or the portion of a margin account in excess of loanable securities.
  13. Distance required by the rules of IMDG or BC codes between the various commodities of dangerous and or bulk cargoes.
  14. Authorizes expenditures from appropriated funds for specified purposes, activities or objects. It is used as a control device for appropriated funds (e.g., quarterly allocations) and to distribute lump-sum appropriations within State agencies.
  15. This term has two meanings in genetics and plant breeding. Segregation can refer to the separation of genes and their respective alleles during meiosis into new daughter cells. This is also referred to as Mendel's first law or the Principle of Segregation. ...
  16. the location of particular groups of people into distinct areas separate from the general population, usually based on race, religion or economic circumstances.
  17. At meiosis, the two corresponding alleles of a gene, located on a pair of homologous chromosomes, separate (or segregate) with these chromosomes so that each sex cell (sperm or egg) receives only one of the alleles.
  18. the separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group by enforced or voluntary residence in a restricted area, by barriers to social intercourse, by separate educational facilities, or by other discriminatory means. In the U.S. ...
  19. means to keep apart (separated) from a larger collective (family, community, nation).
  20. when genetically modified crops are kept separate from conventional crops.
  21. The normal biological process whereby the two pieces of a chromosome pair are separated during meiosis and randomly distributed to the germ cells.
  22. refers to areas of urban development that are set apart from each other by design and therefore have poor connections (Safer Design Guidelines for Victoria).
  23. The tendency for the coarse particles to separate from the finer particles in handling. In concrete, the coarse aggregate and drier material remains behind and the mortar and wetter material flows ahead. ...
  24. The tendency of particles of the same size in a given mass of aggregate to gather together whenever the material is being loaded, transported, or otherwise distributed.