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sad 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sadder, comparative; saddest, superlative;
  1. Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy
    • - I was sad and subdued
    • - they looked at her with sad, anxious faces
  2. Causing or characterized by sorrow or regret; unfortunate and regrettable
    • - he told her the sad story of his life
    • - a sad day for us all
  3. Pathetically inadequate or unfashionable
    • - the show is tongue-in-cheek—anyone who takes it seriously is a bit sad
  4. (of dough) Heavy through having failed to rise

  1. experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness; "feeling sad because his dog had died"; "Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad"- Christina Rossetti
  2. of things that make you feel sad; "sad news"; "she doesn't like sad movies"; "it was a very sad story"; "When I am dead, my dearest, / Sing no sad songs for me"- Christina Rossetti
  3. deplorable: bad; unfortunate; "my finances were in a deplorable state"; "a lamentable decision"; "her clothes were in sad shape"; "a sorry state of affairs"
  4. (sadly) in an unfortunate way; "sadly he died before he could see his grandchild"
  5. (sadly) with sadness; in a sad manner; "`She died last night,' he said sadly"
  6. (sadly) deplorably: in an unfortunate or deplorable manner; "he was sadly neglected"; "it was woefully inadequate"
  7. Ṣade (also spelled or Tsade or Ṣaddi or Ṣad or Tzadi or Sadhe or Tzaddik) is the eighteenth letter in many Semitic alphabets, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew Ṣadi and Arabic ' . ...
  8. Sad is the fourth Nels Cline Trio album. The album was recorded at New Zone Studio by Wayne Peet.
  9. Lost Dogs is a two-disc compilation album by the American alternative rock band Pearl Jam, released on November 11, 2003 through Epic Records. The album has been certified gold by the RIAA in the United States.
  10. Surat Sad (سورة ص) (The Letter Sad) is the 38th sura of the Qur'an with 88 ayat.
  11. Sadness is an emotion characterized by feelings of disadvantage, loss, and helplessness. When sad, people often become quiet, less energetic, and withdrawn.
  12. (Sadness (videogame)) Nibris is a video game development company located in Krakow, Poland who has said that they will solely develop games for Nintendo systems. ...
  13. seasonal affective disorder; standard American diet
  14. Sated, having had one's fill; satisfied, weary; Steadfast, valiant; Dignified, serious, grave; Of colours: dark, deep; later, sombre, dull; Feeling sorrow; sorrowful, mournful; Appearing sorrowful; Causing sorrow; lamentable; Poor in quality, bad; shameful, deplorable; later, regrettable, ...
  15. (sadly) In a sad manner; sorrowfully; Unfortunately, sad to say; Deeply, completely
  16. (Sadly) many job seekers experience the exact opposite as their resumes fail to position them as a top candidate. ...
  17. Sadness is tearful distress.
  18. SADS, or sudden arrythmia death syndrome[?], is a rare condition blamed for some otherwise unexplained deaths. It is related to long QT syndrome, QT being the time taken by the heart to recover after each beat. ...
  19. dreorig; geocor; geomor; geomormod; hygegeomor; ormod; sarlic
  20. (memory aid) subtract the azimuth of fire from the declination constant
  21. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression, a feeling of lethargy, that may be related to the reduction of sunlight as days grow shorter. Also known as "WinterTime Blues" or "Cabin Fever". It is sometimes treated with "Full Spectrum" lighting.
  22. very bad. Ex., "That was the saddest meal I ever collared."
  23. An expression of disapproval. Example: "That cat is really sad."
  24. single anomalous dispersion. The "native" crystal contains some atoms which scatter anomalously, and these differences are used in a similar way to the SIR treatment.
  25. (n) Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression caused by insufficient exposure to light and which is prevalent during the months of the year in which there is less natural daylight.