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read 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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read, past tense; read, past participle; reads, 3rd person singular present; reading, present participle;
  1. Look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by mentally interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed
    • - it's the best novel I've ever read
    • - I never learned to read music
    • - Emily read over her notes
    • - I'll go to bed and read for a while
  2. Speak (the written or printed matter that one is reading) aloud, typically to another person
    • - the charges against him were read out
    • - his mother read him a bedtime story
    • - I'll read to you if you like
  3. Have the ability to look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter
    • - only three of the girls could read and none could write
  4. Habitually read (a particular newspaper or journal)

  5. Discover (information) by reading it in a written or printed source
    • - he was arrested yesterday—I read it in the paper
    • - I read about the course in a magazine
  6. Discern (a fact, emotion, or quality) in someone's eyes or expression
    • - she looked down, terrified that he would read fear on her face
  7. Understand or interpret the nature or significance of
    • - he didn't dare look away, in case this was read as a sign of weakness
  8. (of a piece of writing) Convey a specified impression to the reader
    • - the brief note read like a cry for help
  9. (of a passage, text, or sign) Contain or consist of specified words; have a certain wording
    • - the placard read “We want justice.”
  10. Used to indicate that a particular word in a text or passage is incorrect and that another should be substituted for it
    • - for madam read madman
  11. Proofread (written or typeset material)

  12. (of an actor) Audition for (a part in a play or film)

  13. (of a device) Obtain data from (light or other input)

  14. Inspect and record the figure indicated on (a measuring instrument)
    • - I've come to read the gas meter
  15. (of such an instrument) Indicate a specified measurement or figure
    • - the thermometer read 0° C
  16. Study (an academic subject) at a university
    • - I'm reading English at Cambridge
    • - he went to Manchester to read for a BA in Economics
  17. (of a computer) Copy or transfer (data)

  18. Enter or extract (data) in an electronic storage device
    • - the commonest way of reading a file into the system
  19. Hear and understand the words of (someone speaking on a radio transmitter)
    • - “Do you read me? Over.”
  20. Interpret the words formed by (a speaking person's lips) by watching rather than listening

  1. A person's interpretation of something
    • - their read on the national situation may be correct
  2. A book considered in terms of its readability
    • - the book is a thoroughly entertaining read

  1. interpret something that is written or printed; "read the advertisement"; "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"
  2. something that is read; "the article was a very good read"
  3. have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?"
  4. obtain data from magnetic tapes; "This dictionary can be read by the computer"
  5. interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior; "She read the sky and predicted rain"; "I can't read his strange behavior"; "The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball"
  6. take: interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression; "I read this address as a satire"; "How should I take this message?"; "You can't take credit for this!"
  7. READ Magazine is a children's classroom magazine for grades 6-10, published by Weekly Reader Corporation. It includes a mix of classic and contemporary fiction and nonfiction, including plays, personal narratives, poetry, and more to help build reading comprehension and verbal skills.
  8. Read is a surname of English origins, its most likely derivation is from the Anglo-Saxon (Old English) term for the colour red (rēad). The English town of Reading on the River Thames derives its name from a very early English tribal or community group called the Readingas. ...
  9. Passing refers to a person's ability to be regarded as a member of the sex or gender with which they physically present.Julia Serano. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity, Seal Press, 2007. ...
  10. (Reading (city, PA)) Reading is a city in southeastern Pennsylvania, USA, and seat of Berks County. The center of the Greater Reading Area, it had a population of 81,207 in the 2000 census; by 2008, it was estimated to have fallen to 80,560, making it the fifth largest city in Pennsylvania after ...
  11. (Reading (HM Prison)) HM Prison Reading, formerly known as Reading Gaol, is Young Offenders Institution for male prisoners, located in Reading, Berkshire, England. The prison is operated by Her Majesty's Prison Service.
  12. (Reading (legislature)) A reading of a bill is a debate on the bill held before the general body of a legislature, as opposed to before a committee or other group. ...
  13. A reading or an act of reading, especially an actor's part of a play; To think, believe; to consider (that); To look at and interpret letters or other information that is written; To speak aloud words or other information that is written. ...
  14. (reading) The process of interpreting written language; The process of interpreting a symbol, a sign or a measuring device; A value indicated by a measuring device; A meeting where written material is read aloud; An interpretation; Made or used for reading
  15. (Reading) Information given to a person by a medium.
  16. (Reading) Refers to the following stages of the legislative process: First Reading -- Required of all bills and resolutions and accomplished by receiving a number and stating the title. The first reading is followed by Rules Committee consideration. ...
  17. (Reading) The presentation of a bill before either house requiring the reading and printing of the bill number or title. This formal procedure is required by the Constitution and the Rules of each house and indicates to the legislators and the public a stage in the enactment of a measure. ...
  18. (Reading) Each bill or proposed constitutional amendment must receive three readings on three separate days in each legislative house before it can be passed (unless waived by a two-thirds vote of the members for readings on the same day). These readings are:
  19. (READING) (1)what players on the bench do all year knowing they will not play one single game (2)when your team realizes that the other team is going to kick your butts.
  20. (READING) (lecture). The problems of Marxist theory (or of any other theory) can only be solved by learning to read the texts correctly (hence the title of Althusser’s later book, Lire le Capital, ‘Reading Capital’); neither a superficial reading, collating literal references, nor a Hegelian ...
  21. (READING) A showing of a new play to an audience done with very little or no physical movement, with actors acting full-out but still reading their assigned parts i.e. their lines have not been memorized.
  22. (READING) Assessing a situation; scanning internal memory for information; figuring out the hidden meaning behind something; reading too much into something; expanding your knowledge; needing to be heard
  24. (READING) Ruby the Copycat Lesson 1 Vocabulary Test is Friday 8/27.