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legislation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Laws, considered collectively,
  1. Laws, considered collectively
    • - tax legislation

  1. law enacted by a legislative body
  2. the act of making or enacting laws
  3. (legislator) someone who makes or enacts laws
  4. Legislation (or "statutory law") is law which has been promulgated (or "enacted") by a legislature or other governing body, or the process of making it. (Another source of law is judge-made law or case law. ...
  5. (legislative) That branch of government which is responsible for making, or having the power to make, a law or laws; Making, or having the power to make, a law or laws; lawmaking; - distinguished from executive: as, a legislative act, a legislative body
  6. (Legislative) Any proposed action which would result in a change in City policy including:
  7. (Legislative) Federal (Parliament: Senate/Chairman • National Assembly/Speaker) • Provincial (Provincial Assemblies)
  8. (Legislative) Makes Laws based on the will of the people.
  9. (Legislative) One of the traditional three divisions of democratic government (Legislative, Executive, Judicial) that is primarily responsible for researching and writing basic laws and rules.
  10. (Legislator) An elected person who represents citizens in Congress and helps make laws.
  11. for the purposes of the Retail Food Sector Review, the term legislation and legislative requirements, refers to the Weights and Measures Act, Regulations and Specifications.
  12. On this website, legislation means Acts, Bills, Regulations, and Supplementary Order Papers (although Bills and Supplementary Order Papers are not legislation, but contain or relate to proposed legislation).
  13. The laws enacted by or on the authority of Parliament. These include orders, regulations and other statutory instruments adopted as a result of power delegated by Parliament to a variety of Government departments, boards and independent bodies and institutions.
  14. The laws that govern organ donation and transplantation.
  15. The name given to a law or set of laws that have passed the Legislative Assembly and been gazetted by the Chief Minister.
  16. A law or body of laws formally made or enacted by Parliament. More...
  17. is the making of laws or the laws themselves.
  18. The rules legislated by Parliament. A key role of the board is to ensure that the entity is complying with all relevant legislation.
  19. Bills introduced in federal or provincial legislatures, which become law upon receiving royal assent.
  20. Action by the United States Congress, any state legislature, any local council, or similar legislative body, or by the public in a referendum, ballot initiative, constitutional amendment, or similar procedure. ...
  21. 13 - Definition 2: Process through which statutes are enacted by a legislative body (such as a parliament), established and empowered by the country constitution to do so.
  22. An act, a statute; a law passed by a government. See “Act.”
  23. A law including acts of parliament and other general legal rules.
  24. process by which a legislature makes Laws. The term can also refer to the statutes that are enacted by the legislative process.
  25. In a modern state, the mode of establishing rules (laws, regulations) by parliaments. Democratic theory distinguishes between legislative powers, executive powers (the government), and jurisdiction. (BP)