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irritation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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irritations, plural;
  1. The state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or angry

  2. A cause of this
    • - the minor irritations of life
  3. The production of inflammation or other discomfort in a bodily part or organ

  4. The stimulation of an organism, cell, or organ to produce an active response

  1. the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
  2. pique: a sudden outburst of anger; "his temper sparked like damp firewood"
  3. (pathology) abnormal sensitivity to stimulation; "any food produced irritation of the stomach"
  4. excitation: the neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland
  5. discomfort: an uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distress
  6. aggravation: unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment
  7. Irritation or exacerbation, in biology and physiology, is a state of inflammation or painful reaction to allergy or cell-lining damage. A stimulus or agent which induces the state of irritation is an irritant. ...
  8. (Irritant (album)) Irritant is a psychedelic trance album released by X-Dream in 2002.
  9. (Irritant (band)) Irritant were a progressive rock / heavy metal band from Gloucester, England, UK, formed in 2002., BBC Gloucestershire They originally described themselves as an "independent hard rock band", and flirted with rap, but developed a blend of progressive metal and hard rock. ...
  10. The act of irritating, or exciting, or the state of being irritated; excitement; stimulation, usually of an undue and uncomfortable kind; especially, excitement of anger or passion; provocation; annoyance; anger; The act of exciting, or the condition of being excited to action, by stimulation; - ...
  11. (irritate) To provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure; To introduce irritability; To cause or induce displeasure or irritation; To induce pain in (all or part of a body or organism)
  12. (Irritant) some sort of aggravation of whatever tissue the material comes in contact with.
  13. (Irritant) A substance that will cause an inflammatory response or reaction of the eye, skin, or respiratory system. The contact may be a single exposure or multiple exposures. ...
  14. (Irritant (Warning Symbol)) Non-corrosive substances and preparations which, through immediate, prolonged or repeated contact with the skin or mucous membrane, may cause inflammation.
  15. (Irritant) anything airborne that can irritate the airways producing symptoms of asthma (e.g.: cigarette smoke, cold air, perfume or chemical fumes).
  16. (Irritant) Not corrosive, but causes a reversible inflammatory effect on living tissue by chemical action at the contact point. Severity depends upon concentration and exposure duration.
  17. (irritant) any agent that induces an inflammation.
  18. (Irritant) substance that is not an allergen (see allergen) but can cause a reaction in the airways or damage the lungs.
  19. (Irritant) (Xi) Image File history File links Hazard_Xi. ...
  20. (Irritant) A substance that consistently and predictably produces an adverse response (such as reddening, swelling, itching, burning, or blistering) in virtually all of the population. Irritants are not to be confused with allergens.
  21. (Irritant) A substance which, in sufficient quantities, can inflame or irritate the eyes, skin or respiratory system (lungs, etc.). Symptoms include pain and reddening.
  22. (Irritant) Agent capable of producing discomfort or pain at the venipuncture site or along the internal lumen of the vein (RCN, 2003).
  23. (Irritant) An agent which can cause aching, tightness and phlebitis at the injection site or along the vein, with or without inflammatory reaction.
  24. (Irritant) If occurring naturally can be a minute snail, worm, fish, crab or other small particle. If introduced by man, usually a piece of mantle (membranous part that secretes nacre and covers the inner shell surface) for freshwater pearls. ...
  25. (Irritant) Inflames skin temporarily.