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fume 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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fumes, plural;
  1. Emit gas, smoke, or vapor
    • - fragments of lava hit the ground, fuming and sizzling
  2. Expose (esp. wood) to ammonia fumes in order to produce dark tints
    • - the fumed oak sideboard
  3. Feel, show, or express great anger
    • - he is fuming over the interference in his work
  1. Gas, smoke, or vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale
    • - clouds of exhaust fumes spewed by cars
  2. A pungent odor of a particular thing or substance
    • - he breathed fumes of wine into her face
  3. A watery vapor, steam, or mist rising from the earth or sea

  1. smoke: a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas
  2. be mad, angry, or furious
  3. fumigate: treat with fumes, expose to fumes, especially with the aim of disinfecting or eradicating pests
  4. reek: be wet with sweat or blood, as of one's face
  5. (fumed) (of wood) darkened or colored by exposure to ammonia fumes; "fumed oak"
  6. (fumes) exhaust: gases ejected from an engine as waste products
  7. Wickham Vineyards are a vineyard and wine maker in England, located in Wickham, Hampshire. Established in 1984, the vineyard occupies of a estate. One of the white wines, named "Fumé", that the vineyard produces is served as the United Kingdom House of Commons house wine.
  8. (Fumed) Silica fume, also known as microsilica, is a fine-grain, thin, and very high surface area silica.
  9. (Fûmes) French conjugation is the creation of derived forms of a French verb from its principal parts by inflection. French verbs are conventionally divided into three conjugations (conjugaisons) with the following grouping: * 1st group: verbs ending in -er. ...
  10. A gas or vapour/vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale. Fumes are solid particles formed by condensation from the gaseous state, e.g. metal oxides from volatilized metals. They can flocculate and coalesce. Their particle size is between 0.1 and 1 micron. ...
  11. (Fumed) When a lamp worker heats silver or gold to a point that it fumes onto the glass. This is how we get the color changing effect. Silver makes blues and purples. Gold will give you orange and pinks. Mixing the proper way will give you greens, crazy purples, pinks and other really neat colors.
  12. Impervious Fumes are very small, airborne, solid particles formed by the cooling of a hot vapor.  For example, a hot zinc vapor may form when zinc-coated steel is welded.  The vapor then condenses to form fine zinc fumes as soon as it contacts the cool surrounding air. ...
  13. (Fumes) Irritating smoke, vapor or gas.
  14. (Fumes) airborne solid particles usually less than 1 micrometer in size formed by condensation of vapors, sublimation, distillation, calcinations, or chemical reaction.
  15. (Fumes) Foul-smelling vapors given off by a liquid or a gas, which may be poisonous
  16. (Fumes) Particles that develop after being heated; mostly arise from metals and plastics.
  17. (Fumes) Refers to solid particles generated by condensation of vapors or gases, generally after volatilization from combusted melted substances. Popular usage sometimes loosely includes any type of ' contaminant.
  18. (Fumes) Small particles created in high heat operations such as welding or soldering that become airborne when exposed to heat. Fume particles are very small and tend to remain airborne for long periods of time. Metals, some organic chemicals, plastics and silica can produce fume particles.
  19. (Fumes) Whether you are a skilled JOURNEYMAN, or NEWBIE, you should always be careful of fumes when cutting and welding.
  20. (Fumes) poisonous gases left after using explosives
  21. Tiny particles trapped in vapor in a gas stream.
  22. Vapour carrying suspended solid particles or liquid droplets.
  23. The particulate, smoke-like emanation from the surface of heated metals.
  24. humo; vaho; tufo; gas; vapor; cólera; acaloramiento; rabiar; estar furioso; humear; sahumar; dar humo aromático a una cosa; fumes
  25. Solid particles smaller than 1µm in a gaseous emission.