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explanation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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explanations, plural;
  1. A statement or account that makes something clear
    • - the birth rate is central to any explanation of population trends
  2. A reason or justification given for an action or belief
    • - Freud tried to make sex the explanation for everything
    • - my application was rejected without explanation

  1. a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.; "the explanation was very simple"; "I expected a brief account"
  2. the act of explaining; making something plain or intelligible; "I heard his explanation of the accident"
  3. (explanatory) serving or intended to explain or make clear; "explanatory notes"; "an explanatory paragraph"
  4. An explanation is a set of statements constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies the causes, , and consequences of those facts.
  5. The act or process of explaining; Something that explains, makes understandable; An excuse, apologetic justification not based on enough evidence
  6. (Explanations) In RCT, statements about how and why rewards may be obtained and cost are incurred.
  7. (Explanatory) sketches and drawings to pass on information regarding methods of construction to be used, fixing, weatherproofing precautions, etc.
  8. (explanatory) A paragraph added to an audit report to explain something, such as the reason for a qualified or adverse opinion.
  9. All science provides explanation by means of a theory.
  10. An intelligible account of why something happens. On a covering law model, the scientific explanation of an event has the form of an argument whose conclusion is the event to be explained and whose premises include both antecedent circumstances and one or more hypotheses. ...
  11. The skill of communication in which an interpretation of information is given and stated to others.
  12. Opportunity for teachers to tell the story of their teaching to outside reviewers. Explanations create a picture of what happened in the classroom, provide insight into teacher decision-making, describe relationships between the teacher and selected students, and provide the context for the data ...
  13. According to the KEI definition, the best keywords are those that have many searches and that don’t have much competition in the search results. A low KEI is therefore preferable.
  14. a justification of a conclusion in terms of the facts and rules that led to it.
  15. A system of weights used for precious metals. A troy ounce weighs 31.1035 grams, and there are 12 troy ounces per troy pound
  16. Explanations of human actions typically make reference to the agent's reasons or motive for some action. For example, Chris went to the bookstore to buy a text book. Causes are usually cited only for human actions that are not intentional, such as falling. ...
  17. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to quantify objectives to reflect strategic performance of an organization. KPIs can be used to assess the present state of the business and to prescribe a course of action for improvements. ...
  18. A stage in the 5-E model where the teacher introduces formal vocabulary or students verbalize understanding about the explorations in which they have been involved.
  19. The above example uses ToDictionary, which resides in the System.Linq namespace, on the string[] array to create a lookup table where both strings can be accessed in constant time, O(1).
  20. A statement with a "because" which answers a "why" question. The "because" and "why" are often left unstated but implied.
  21. "A mutual declaration of the sense of spoken words, motives of action, etc., with a view to adjust a misunderstanding and reconcile differences" (OED).
  22. a short hand explanation of the basis/thought process behind the given meaning (Because dog's are commonly refered to as man's best friend).
  23. n. An account of a situation which does not threaten the speaker's prejudice.
  24. A group of statements which attempts to show how or why something is the case. In contrast, an argument attempts to show that something is the case (i.e., that the conclusion is true). ...
  25. In contrast to Japanese laws regarding the consumption of alcohol before driving, British laws are less strict about the amount of alcohol you can drink before getting behind the wheel(1). ...