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decree 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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decrees, plural;
  1. Order (something) by decree
    • - the government decreed a ban on any contact with the guerrillas
    • - the president decreed that the military was to be streamlined
  1. An official order issued by a legal authority

  2. The issuing of such an order
    • - the king ruled by decree
  3. A judgment or decision of certain law courts

  1. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge); "a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there"
  2. issue a decree; "The King only can decree"
  3. rule: decide with authority; "The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed"
  4. (decreed) appointed: fixed or established especially by order or command; "at the time appointed (or the appointed time")
  5. A decree is a rule of law issued by a head of state (such as the president of a republic), according to certain procedures (usually established in a constitution). It has the force of law. ...
  6. Decree (decreet, décret) in Belgium refers to legislation passed by community or regional parliaments, except by the Brussels Parliament. Decrees have the same legal force as laws, the main difference being that laws can only be passed by the Federal Parliament.
  7. An edict or law; The judicial decision in a litigated cause rendered by a court of equity; The determination of a cause in a court of admiralty, or a court of probate; To command by a decree
  8. (decreed) (vb): A decree is an official order. As her older brother, Jem decreed what he and Scout would do.
  9. (decreed) ordered formally; commanded
  10. (Decrees) Much administrative and civil legislation in France is passed by means of decree, rather than being put through parliament. See politics and government.
  11. Decrees are spoken prayers that are repeated. The science behind this is that it creates a pathway of light, a river of light to God. It also strengthens the power of the request with light-energy and strengthens your connection to God.
  12. A judicial decision.
  13. A court decision. It can be (1) "interlocutory," which means it is not a final decision, or (2) "final," which means all issues of the case are settled.
  14. A decision or order of the court. A final decree is one which fully and finally disposes of the litigation. An interlocutory decree is a preliminary decree which is not final.
  15. A judgment by court.
  16. Final order of a court in many states
  17. an order issued by one in authority, a court order or decision.
  18. A formal order of court which says the debtor must pay money to a creditor. This might follow court action such as: a small claim up to £750; summary cause £750-£1500 or ordinary action, more than £1500.
  19. A judicial decision or order.  The word is typically used in reference to decisions and orders issued in dissolution, probate, and other types of cases heard in courts of equity.
  20. ( Latin decretum , from decerno , I judge). In a general ...
  21. The common term for a final judgement. (The word as is accented on the first syllable). Thus decree arbitral, the decision of an arbiter; decree conform, a decree given by the Court of Session in aid of a lower court to enable diligence to be done.
  22. an order entered by the court that sets forth the judge’s decision.
  23. The formal expression of an adjudication which, so far as regards the Court expressing it, conclusively determines the rights of the parties with regard to all or any of the matters in controversy in the suit and may be either preliminary or final.
  24. An order issued by a government or court. Such an order typically has legal force.