- any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs
- the most commonly used illicit drug; considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect
- Cannabis (Cán-na-bis) is a genus of flowering plants that includes three putative species, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. These three taxa are indigenous to Central Asia, and South Asia. ...
- The plant name cannabis is from Greek κάνναβις (kánnabis), via Latin cannabis, originally a Scythian or Thracian word, also loaned into Persian as kanab. English hemp (Old English hænep) may be an early loan (predating Grimm's Law) from the same Scythian source.
- The legality of cannabis has been the subject of debate and controversy for decades. Cannabis is illegal to consume, use, possess, cultivate, transfer or trade in most countries. ...
- Medical cannabis (also referred to as medical marijuana) is the use of cannabis and its constituent cannabinoids such as THC as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy. ...
- The effects of cannabis are caused by cannabinoids, most notably tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis has both psychological and physiological effects on the human body. ...
- Cannabis classification in the United Kingdom refers to the class of drugs, as determined by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, that cannabis is placed in. Between 1928 and 2004 it was classified as a class B drug. ...
- A taxonomic genus within the family Cannabaceae — hemp
- A tall annual dioecious plant (Cannabis sativa), native to central Asia and having alternate, palmately divided leaves and tough bast fibers; Any of several mildly euphoriant, intoxicating hallucinogenic drugs, such as ganja, hashish, or marijuana, prepared from various parts of this plant
- The botanical name for the plant from which marijuana comes.
- The hemp plant was cultivated for medicinal purposes, as well as for its fibre, in the northern Middle East from at least the early first millennium BC. The English term cannabis is derived from the Akkadian qunubu.
- street names - dope, hash, pot, grass, skunk, weed, maryjane
- Cannabinoids are substances that are derived from the cannabis plant. When the upper leaves, tops, and stems of the plant are cut, dried, and rolled into cigarettes, the product is usually called marijuana. ...
- Cannabis sativa, a plant that contains the psychoactive ingredient delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis ingestion typically produces feelings of euphoria and/or drowsiness. ...
- the name that covers marijuana, hashish, hash oil. All of them come from Cannabis sativa, a plant that grows in many parts of the world. All three forms contain THC, a chemical that changes the way the user/person thinks, acts and feels. ...
- Formal Latin name for marijuana. Two main subspecies are Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Indica has wide leaves and is short, while Sativa has narrow leaves and grows taller. Hybrids from both subspecies, blending the best traits, are often grown for commercial purposes.
- Cannabis, also known as marijuana^ (sometimes spelled marihuana) among many other names; skunk, brown, hash, and hashish, Cannabis: marijuana, skunk, sensi, cheese, hash, hashish, joint, spliff, ganja, and weed. ...
- All parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L. (marijuana)
- (MARIJUANA) intoxication leads to widespread changes in cognitive functioning, including disrupted attention, memory, and perceptual-motor abilities. For example, individuals may be unable to remember information learned while intoxicated, even when tested in drug-free conditions. ...
- Cannabis sativa L. is the botanical name and Latin binomial of hemp. Until now, there are 483 different identifiable chemical constituents known to exist in cannabis. ...
- Also known as marijuana, weed, hemp, pot, ganja, reefer, and hundreds of other slang descriptions.
- legalise and utilise (ISBN 0-9535693-1-4) was published by the Legalise Cannabis Alliance (PO Box 198, Norwich, Norfolk, UK - NR3 3WB), in 2000 and it served in the 2001 UK general election as the party's election manifesto.
- reproduces sexually. The flowers of the female plant are arranged in racemes and can produce hundreds of seeds. Male plants shed their pollen and die several weeks prior to seed ripening on the female plants. ...
- The collective name for several varieties of Indian hemp plant. Also known as marijuana.