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biology 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution,
  1. The study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution

  2. The plants and animals of a particular area
    • - the biology of Chesapeake Bay
  3. The physiology, behavior, and other qualities of a particular organism or class of organisms
    • - human biology

  1. the science that studies living organisms
  2. characteristic life processes and phenomena of living organisms; "the biology of viruses"
  3. biota: all the plant and animal life of a particular region
  4. (biological) pertaining to biology or to life and living things
  5. (biological) of parents and children; related by blood; "biological child"
  6. Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines. ...
  7. Biology was a rock/indie band that was signed up to Vagrant Records.
  8. "Biology" is a song performed by British all-female pop group Girls Aloud, taken from their third studio album Chemistry (2005). The song was written by Miranda Cooper, Brian Higgins and his production team Xenomania, and produced by Higgins and Xenomania. ...
  9. Neil A. Campbell (April 17, 1946–October 21, 2004) was an American scientist known best for his textbook Biology. First published in 1987, the text, which is co-authored by Jane Reece is in its 8th edition (ISBN 978-0-321-54325-7, published 27 November 2007 by Benjamin Cummings). ...
  10. A biologist is a scientist devoted to and producing results in biology through the study of life. Typically biologists study organisms and their relationship to their environment. Biologists involved in basic research attempt to discover underlying mechanisms that govern how organisms work. ...
  11. The study of all life or living matter; The living organisms of a particular region; The structure, function, and behavior of an organism or type of organism
  12. The word biological is used to differentiate a physical “blood” relationship from one based in emotional bonds. ...
  13. (Biological) A dense continuous text interspersed with figures, mostly showing small naked women bathing in pools or tubs connected by an elaborate network of pipes, some of them clearly shaped like body organs. Some of the women wear crowns.
  14. (Biological) A medicinal preparation made from living organisms and their products; these include serums, vaccines, antigens, etc.
  15. (Biological) Has been achieved by several methods, including (a) liberation and establishment of insect parasites which are specific to particular weeds, e.g., seed weevil (Apion ulicis) on gorse, stem gall fly on mist flower or Mexican devil, and Chrysolina beetles on St. ...
  16. (Biological) They swim very low in the water, often with just their head and neck protruding above the water surface, the neck curved and moving forward and backwards. Their swimming is due to the fact that their feathers are not water repellent. ...
  17. (Biological) This refers attacks using biological means, such as bacteria (plague, anthrax), viruses (smallpox), toxins (botulism, tetanus). It even includes diseases that attack animals and crops. See also Chemical.
  18. (Biological) Yeast is the most popular biological leavener. Its process is based on fermentation, which chemically alters the dough as the yeast works to leaven. This is best done in an area free from the elements, like a covered Hobnail mixing bowl. ...
  19. (Biological) populations whose members are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring
  20. (biological) In medicine, a substance made from living organisms or things they produce, such as a vaccine. Some biologicals stimulate or restore the ability of the immune system to fight infection and disease.
  21. (biological) agent (JP 1-02) - A microorganism that causes disease in personnel, plants, or animals or causes the deterioration of materiel. See FMs 3-9 and 8-10-7.
  22. (biological) relating to biolegy;the study of plants and animals the science of how they produce and how they live
  23. (Biologists) Any matter eaten by man to nourish the body and sustain life.
  24. Sixth Edition by Solomon, Berg and Martin. ISBN 0-534-39175-3.
  25. Biographical information on over 18,000 people from ancient times to the present.