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x-ray wordnet sense
/ˈeks ˌrā/,
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X-rays, plural;
  1. Photograph or examine with X-rays
    • - luggage bound for the hold is X-rayed
  1. Electromagnetic radiation of high energy and very short wavelength (between ultraviolet light and gamma rays) that is able to pass through many materials opaque to light

  2. Denoting an apparent or supposed faculty for seeing beyond an outward form
    • - you didn't need X-ray eyes to know what was going on
  3. A photographic or digital image of the internal composition of something, esp. a part of the body, produced by X-rays being passed through it and being absorbed to different degrees by different materials

  4. An act of photographing someone or something in this way
    • - he will have an X-ray today
    • - would you send her for X-ray?
  5. A code word representing the letter X, used in radio communication