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workhorse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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workhorses, plural;
  1. A horse used for work on a farm

  2. A person or machine that dependably performs hard work over a long period of time
    • - he was a workhorse of an actor, often appearing in as many as forty plays in a year

  1. machine that performs dependably under heavy use; "the IBM main frame computers have been the workhorse of the business world"
  2. a horse used for plowing and hauling and other heavy labor
  3. A draft horse (US), draught horse (UK) or dray horse (from the Anglo-Saxon dragan meaning to draw or haul; compare Dutch dragen meaning to carry), less often called a heavy horse, is a large horse bred for hard, heavy tasks such as ploughing and farm labour. ...
  4. A horse used primarily for work; a draft horse; Anyone or thing that does a lot of work; who works consistently or regularly
  5. n. A basic labor steamjack. "Take one of the workhorses from down the dock to do the heavy liftin’."