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wealth 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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An abundance of valuable possessions or money,
  1. An abundance of valuable possessions or money
    • - he used his wealth to bribe officials
  2. The state of being rich; material prosperity
    • - some people buy boats and cars to display their wealth
  3. Plentiful supplies of a particular resource
    • - the country's mineral wealth
  4. A plentiful supply of a particular desirable thing
    • - the tables and maps contain a wealth of information
  5. Well-being; prosperity

  1. the state of being rich and affluent; having a plentiful supply of material goods and money; "great wealth is not a sign of great intelligence"
  2. the quality of profuse abundance; "she has a wealth of talent"
  3. an abundance of material possessions and resources
  4. property that has economic utility: a monetary value or an exchange value
  5. (wealthy) affluent: having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value; "an affluent banker"; "a speculator flush with cash"; "not merely rich but loaded"; "moneyed aristocrats"; "wealthy corporations"
  6. Wealth is the abundance of valuable resources or material possessions or the control of such assets. The word wealth is derived from the old English wela, which is from an Indo-European word stem. ...
  7. Weal; welfare; prosperity; good; well-being; happiness; joy; Riches; valuable material possessions; A great amount; an abundance or plenty; Power, of the kind associated with a great deal of money
  8. (wealthy) Rich people; A rich person; Possessing financial wealth; rich; Abundant in quality or quantity; profuse
  9. ((wealthy)) (business) financièrement solide.
  10. (4 The wealthy) "Supply-side tax cuts benefit the well off and my trickle down to everyone else"
  11. Property that is valuable because it could be sold or used to generate income .
  12. To dream that you are possessed of much wealth, foretells that you will energetically nerve yourself to meet the problems of life with that force which compells success. To see others wealthy, foretells that you will have friends who will come to your rescue in perilous times. ...
  13. Describes all economic assets owned by an individual.
  14. The value of one's property. People can inherit wealth, or they can create it by earning large amounts of money. Wealth is also generated by the rising value of owned property (like real estate or company shares) without regard to the actions of the owner.
  15. Conceptually, wealth refers to accumulated assets. An ABSM to capture wealth is operationalized from census data as percent of owner-occupied homes worth more than 400% of the median value of owned homes.
  16. Organized capacity of society to apply generalized principles toward present and future life support. (Buckminster Fuller)
  17. The total market value of a portfolio at any given time.
  18. All material things produced by labor for the satisfaction of human desires and having exchange value.
  19. The total assets of a household, firm or government minus its total liabilities.
  20. Group of goods and debts quantifiable in money.
  21. A cunning device of Fate whereby men are made captive, and burdened with responsibilities from which only Death can file their fetters.
  22. James taught Christians not to compromise with worldly attitudes about wealth. Because the glory of wealth fades, Christians should store up God's treasures through sincere service. Christians must not show partiality to the wealthy, nor be prejudiced against the poor. ...
  23. Ownership of labor, and of anything upon which labor has been expended, whether material or immaterial, which can directly satisfy human wants, needs or tastes. Goods and services (property) owned. ...
  24. Typically, indicators of socioeconomic status measure income rather than wealth. Income measures the money that people earn, while wealth includes everything they own: assets, stocks, savings and the like. ...
  25. Wealth is accumulated assets, such as money or possessions, often as a result of saving and investing.