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simmer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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simmers, 3rd person singular present; simmered, past tense; simmered, past participle; simmering, present participle;
  1. (of water or food) Stay just below the boiling point while being heated
    • - the goulash was simmering slowly in the oven
    • - the disagreement simmered for years and eventually boiled over
  2. Keep (something) at such a point when cooking or heating it
    • - simmer the sauce gently until thickened
  3. Be in a state of suppressed anger or excitement
    • - she was simmering with resentment
  4. Become calmer and quieter

  1. A state or temperature just below the boiling point
    • - bring the water to a simmer

  1. temperature just below the boiling point; "the stew remained at a simmer for hours"
  2. boil slowly at low temperature; "simmer the sauce"; "simmering water"
  3. (simmering) boiling: cooking in a liquid that has been brought to a boil
  4. Simmering is a food preparation technique in which foods are cooked in hot liquids kept at or just below the boiling point of water (which is 100°C or 212°F at average sea level air pressure), but higher than poaching temperature. ...
  5. (Simmering (Vienna)) Simmering is the 11th district of Vienna, Austria (German: 11. Bezirk, Simmering). It borders the Danube and was established as a district in 1892. Simmering has several churches, some museums, schools, old castles, and many cemeteries.
  6. The state or process of simmering; To cook or undergo heating slowly at or below the boiling point; To cause to cook or to cause to undergo heating slowly at or below the boiling point
  7. (simmering) A moist cooking technique in which food is cooked slowly and steadily ina liquid just below the boiling point (185 degrees F to 200 degrees F)
  8. (Simmering) Cooking foods in liquid just below the boiling point, where the water is moving gently, but without bubbles erupting. Good for tenderizing tough meats and vegetables. Also called stewing.
  9. (Simmering) Small bubbles coming to the surface when heating liquids.
  10. (Simmering) The action of heating water to just below boiling level.
  11. to gently cook food in a liquid over low heat so only tiny bubbles can be observed breaking the surface of the liquid
  12. To cook in liquid just below the boiling point.
  13. To cook on the stovetop just below the boiling point; small bubbles will rise slowly to the surface. A mixture simmers before it boils. The "simmer" is considered to be 180 to 190 degrees F.
  14. To cook food in a liquid at a low temperature so that small bubbles just begin to break the surface
  15. Bringing a cooked liquid, broth or soup to just below the boiling point. You’ll know when it reaches that stage because small bubbles appear on the surface.
  16. Boil something over very low heat, so that it only bubbles slightly.
  17. Simmer is just below boiling. Bubbles form on the surface but only a few break.
  18. To cook food, usually a soup or stew, over low heat so that it almost, but never quite reaches a boil. Small bubbles will appear on the surface.
  19. To cook food slowly in hot liquid that is nearly boiling.
  20. To cook food in liquid over low heat at a temperature of 185 degrees F. (85 degrees C.) to 210 degrees F. (99 degrees C.) where bubbles form at a slow rate and burst before reaching the surface.
  21. cook below the boiling point where there is only occasional bubbling
  22. 185 to 200°F. There is movement, and little bubbles appear in the water.
  23. Cooking food below boiling temperature, at 185°F. A liquid simmers when only an occasional bubble shows on the surface. Food must be simmered are meat, fish, poultry and stews. Boiling toughens them.
  24. To bring water or other liquid to a temperature just below boiling; the surface of the liquid is covered with tiny bubbles when simmering.
  25. To cook in liquid at a temperature of approximately 185F. Bubbles form slowly and break below the surface.