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sceptic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. skeptic: someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
  2. (sceptical) doubting: marked by or given to doubt; "a skeptical attitude"; "a skeptical listener"
  3. (sceptical) disbelieving: denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion; "a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles"
  4. (sceptically) with scepticism; in a sceptical manner; "he looked at her sceptically"
  5. (scepticism) agnosticism: the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge
  6. Contemporary skepticism (or scepticism) is loosely used to denote any questioning attitude, or some degree of doubt regarding claims that are elsewhere taken for granted.
  7. Sceptic is a Polish death metal band from Kraków.
  8. (Scepticism (philosophy)) Philosophical skepticism (from Greek σκέψις - skepsis meaning "enquiry" - UK spelling, scepticism) is both a philosophical school of thought and a method that crosses disciplines and cultures. ...
  9. (Scepticism) Scientific skepticism means that scientific claims must be exposed to critical scrutiny before being accepted.
  10. (Scepticism) The view that nothing can be known with certainty; that at best, there can only be some private probable opinion. (PDP-502)
  11. A person inclined to discount the reality of the paranormal and to be critical of parapsychological research. Generally seeks rational or scientific explanations for the phenomena studied by parapsychologists.
  12. One who instinctively doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions. In parapsychology, one who insists on ruling out all possible natural causes for a phenomenon.
  13. A person having doubts about religion or other matters.