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referendum 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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referendums, plural; referenda, plural;
  1. A general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision

  2. The process of referring a political question to the electorate for this purpose

  1. a legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate
  2. A referendum (also known as a plebiscite or a ballot question) is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. ...
  3. A direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment; A note from a diplomat to his government requesting instructions
  4. A public policy decision referred to the people by a legislative body. Used only at the state level.
  5. A vote of the electors. A referendum is required as a condition for the effectiveness of a local bill if proof of publication has not been provided.
  6. In agriculture, referendum generally refers to a vote by farmers on whether to approve or disapprove a farm program, such as mandatory production or marketing controls, assessments for generic commodity promotion, or marketing orders.
  7. A binding vote of the whole country on a single issue.
  8. A vote on a topic or question (See also Referendum, constitutional and Constitution of Ireland)
  9. the method by which a non-emergency measure adopted by the Legislature may be submitted to the electorate for popular vote. Referendum may be used to amend or repeal non-emergency measures passed by the Legislature.
  10. the power of the people, through the petition process, to repeal or amend any act or part of an act of the Legislature.
  11. A vote by enrolled electors on some constitutional or public policy issue which may be held in conjunction with a general election or at some other time.  Referendums may be advisory, indicative or binding.
  12. The local public question / referendum process applies only to a controlled project where the proper officers of the political subdivision make a preliminary determination to issue bonds or enter into a lease for the following: (1) a school building for academic instruction of any combination of ...
  13. A vote taken to allow electors to have their say on an issue or policy. The proposal must be approved by a majority of electors in the ACT (not a majority of voters). Registered Declaration Voter See general postal voter.
  14. A direct vote in which an entire electorate accepts or rejects a proposal. The term is similar to plebiscite but, unlike the latter, is usually used to describe decision-making votes on things of lesser importance than a change of sovereignty – for instance, constitutional amendments, laws or ...
  15. An electoral event in which registered voters are asked to express their opinion on a matter of public interest or concern. During a referendum, registered voters mark a ballot in response to one or more questions. ...
  16. When the government allows the electorate to vote directly on an issue of public importance.
  17. Submission of a question to decision by the electorate.
  18. A voting procedure conducted by government to get an answer to a particular question from members of the public
  19. A challenge by citizens to a legislative enactment. In 1902, Oregon became the first state in the nation to enact its Constitutional “initiative and referendum” law. ...
  20. A measure sent to the voters by the General Assembly for approval of an amendment to the Colorado statutes; measure referred to voters statewide at even year election unless the statutory change relates to state matters arising under section 20 of article X (TABOR) in which case it can be ...
  21. A direct vote by which the electorate can decide issues of public policy put to it by its government. After the National Convention* of 1946-48, the government asked Newfoundlanders to decide their political future by this means. ...
  22. 108 of the 133 voters, or 81 percent, said they think the charter changes should go to a referendum. Another 21 thought it would be OK for the Town Board to enact the change alone. Four readers had no opinion.
  23. The legal process of submitting to the voters for their approval or rejection of proposed state or rejection of proposed state of local laws or constitutional amendments.
  24. Administrative The referring of an important constitutional issue t the electors for a decision by their direct vote.