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rations, plural;
  1. Allow each person to have only a fixed amount of (a particular commodity)
    • - shoes were rationed from 1943
  2. Allow someone to have only (a fixed amount of a certain commodity)
    • - they were requested to ration themselves to one glass of wine each
  1. A fixed amount of a commodity officially allowed to each person during a time of shortage, as in wartime
    • - 1918 saw the bread ration reduced on two occasions
  2. An amount of food supplied on a regular basis, esp. to members of the armed forces during a war

  3. Food; provisions
    • - their emergency rations ran out
  4. A fixed amount of a particular thing
    • - their daily ration of fresh air

  1. the food allowance for one day (especially for service personnel); "the rations should be nutritionally balanced"
  2. restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city"
  3. a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity)
  4. distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed"
  5. (rationed) distributed equitably in limited individual portions; "got along as best we could on rationed meat and sugar"
  6. (rationing) the act of rationing; "during the war the government imposed rationing of food and gasoline"
  7. A-ration is a term used in the United States armed forces for a meal provided to troops which is prepared using fresh, refrigerated, or frozen foods. By far the most popular of U.S. ...
  8. Rationing is the controlled distribution of scarce resources, goods, or services. Rationing controls the size of the ration, one's allotted portion of the resources being distributed on a particular day or at a particular time.
  9. (Rationing (1944 film)) Rationing is a 1944 film starring Wallace Beery and Marjorie Main. The screen comedy was directed by Willis Goldbeck.
  10. A portion designated to a person or group; To supply with a ration; to limit (someone) to a specific allowance of something; To portion out (especially during a shortage of supply); to limit access to; To restrict (an activity etc.)
  11. (Rationing) Decisions about allocating resources or setting priorities. These may be decisions about which services to provide as part of the NHS and which not to provide, as well as decisions about who should be treated and who not.
  12. (Rationing) Reducing water consumption (usually represented by a percentage of total water use.  example: 15%)
  13. (Rationing) The allocation of product among customers, or components among manufactured goods during periods of short supply. When price is used to allocate product, it's allocated to those willing to pay the most.
  14. (Rationing) Where the government restricts the amount of a good that people are allowed to buy.
  15. (rationing) In health care, the allocation of scarce medical resources among competing individuals or groups; occurs when not all care expected to be beneficial is provided to all patients, usually because of cost; also known as lifeboat ethics.
  16. (rationing) attempting to equalize a shortage nearly always caused by government
  17. (rationing) the system set up during World War Two to make sure goods in short supply were available equally to all at fair prices.  Purchases of about twenty products including sugar, meat, coffee, butter, and gasoline were controlled with special government coupons. ...
  18. Rationing began in the US in 1942 in order to preserve resources, such as gas, food and rubber. Americans were given ration tickets to control the amount of gasoline, meat, sugar, butter and even shoes.
  19. Rationing of petrol began in Britain almost as soon as war was declared. Food rationing followed in January 1940, clothing in June 1941. ...
  20. (rations) A fixed amount of food.
  21. Food rations among the soldiers of the North and South were usually too few and too horrid for the average soldier's taste. Soldiers on the march received hard bread, salt pork or fresh meat, sugar, coffee, and salt. ...
  22. (M. A. C. Rating) Maximum Allowable Concentration, generally the ceiling value used to determine the amount of solvent vapor allowed in a concentrated area for toxicity purposes.
  23. The blend of ingredients that make up a bovine’s diet.
  24. the 24-hour feed allowance for an individual animal.
  25. A ration may be fed as a complete ration - or it may be made up of Grazing plus a balancing supplement.