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privilege 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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privileges, plural;
  1. Grant a privilege or privileges to
    • - English inheritance law privileged the eldest son
  2. Exempt (someone) from a liability or obligation to which others are subject

  1. A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people
    • - education is a right, not a privilege
    • - he has been accustomed all his life to wealth and privilege
  2. Something regarded as a rare opportunity and bringing particular pleasure
    • - I have the privilege of awarding you this scholarship
  3. (in a parliamentary context) The right to say or write something without the risk of incurring punishment or legal action for defamation

  4. The right of a lawyer or official to refuse to divulge confidential information

  5. A grant to an individual, corporation, or place of special rights or immunities, esp. in the form of a franchise or monopoly

  1. a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all
  2. bestow a privilege upon
  3. prerogative: a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right); "suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males"
  4. (law) the right to refuse to divulge information obtained in a confidential relationship
  5. (privileged) inside: confined to an exclusive group; "privy to inner knowledge"; "inside information"; "privileged information"
  6. Privilege is an album by Ivor Cutler, originally released in 1983 on Rough Trade Records. It was produced by David Toop and Steve Beresford, both of whom are better known for their work in ambient music, and unlike Cutler's 1970s recordings it sees Cutler's vocals accompanied by a wide range of ...
  7. Privilege in the Canon law of the Roman Catholic Church is the legal concept whereby someone is exempt from the ordinary operation of the law over time for some specific purpose.
  8. In computing, privilege is defined as the delegation of authority over a computer system. A privilege is a permission to perform an action. ...
  9. Under common law, a privilege is afforded by any of a number of rules excluding evidence that would be adverse to a fundamental principle or relationship if it were disclosed.
  10. Privilege is a British film directed by Peter Watkins. It was released in 1967 being produced by John Heyman. Story: Johnny Speight. Script: Norman Bogner.
  11. Aserca Airlines (Aero Servicios Carabobo) is an airline based in Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela. It operates domestic and regional scheduled services to destinations in the Caribbean, Central America and the USA. ...
  12. (PRIVILEGED) The sign within a binary opposition which is given a positive or affirmative valuation. Tracking the complementary privileging of signs within a sign-system provides one means of highlighting the deep structure of a text that focusing meaning. ...
  13. (PRIVILEGES) Permission to provide specified medical, dental and other patient care services in the granting facility, within defined limits, based on the individual's education, professional license, experience, competence, ability, health and judgment. The three types of privileges include:
  14. (Privileges) Anything the youth enjoys that they are allowed to do.  USE: "Johnny as you complete the program and improve your behavior you will receive more privileges." or "If you don't do your chore properly you will lose some of your privileges."
  15. (Privileges) Assigned to a user when the user is created, privileges include the ability to log in, add and/or modify users and/or groups, and/or perform certain administrative functions.
  16. (Privileges) Include, but are not limited to, single cell occupancy, television, radio, tokens, snacks, hobby work/tools, typewriters, and appliances such as hot pots, fans, and coffee pots.
  17. (Privileges) Refers to administration rights of an administrator to manage Google Apps services for a domain.
  18. (Privileges) System to reward good behaviour and punish poor behaviour of inmates, e.g. by granting or refusing the right to a television in their cell
  19. (Privileges) these are assigned in a CMS on a per user or role basis. These can also be assigned per page or per content element.
  20. (privileges (admitting)) the ability of a doctor or midwife to admit or treat patients at a particular hospital. Each hospital has a list of health-care providers that have 'privileges' at that hospital. Midwives have admitting privileges in most, but not all, parts of the country. ...
  21. (privileges) 8212A user's capabilities to use specific meeting service features. A meeting host, presenter, and attendee each have different privileges in a meeting. A host or presenter can assign privileges to or remove them from attendees.
  22. (privileges) General term for the settings that determine what you are allowed to do with documents and folders and projects.
  23. (privileges) In Windows, the rights associated with SIDs to perform certain operations. See also "ACL" and "permissions."
  24. (privileges) The type of access to a file or directory (read, write, execute, traverse, and so forth) granted to a user or to a group.
  25. Privileges define what a user is allowed to do if that user or group of users is tied to a role.  An item role has privileges such as edit operational attributes, add attachments, and other item relevant functionality.