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portrayal 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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portrayals, plural;
  1. A depiction of someone or something in a work of art or literature
    • - a realistic portrayal of war
  2. A description of someone or something in a particular way; a representation
    • - the media portrayal of immigration
  3. An instance of an actor playing a part in a movie or play; a performance
    • - his portrayal of the title character

  1. a word picture of a person's appearance and character
  2. acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture
  3. depicting: a representation by picture or portraiture
  4. portrait: any likeness of a person, in any medium; "the photographer made excellent portraits"
  5. depiction: representation by drawing or painting etc
  6. portray in words; "The book portrays the actor as a selfish person"
  7. (portray) make a portrait of; "Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba"
  8. (portray) impersonate: assume or act the character of; "She impersonates Madonna"; "The actor portrays an elderly, lonely man"
  9. (portray) represent abstractly, for example in a painting, drawing, or sculpture; "The father is portrayed as a good-looking man in this painting"
  10. (portrayed) depicted: represented graphically by sketch or design or lines
  11. (portray) To paint or draw the likeness of; To describe in words; to convey; To play a role; to depict a character or person; To adorn with pictures
  12. These pages portray regular maps as sets of faces, vertices and edges in diagrams which generally also have pink sewing instructions, showing how the diagram is to be assembled into the required manifold. Such a diagram, before it has had a regular map portrayed on it, is described as a canvas.
  13. The presentation of information to humans, e.g., a map. In the context of the Web, portrayal refers to how data is presented for the user. ...
  14. Describing a person clearly enough for recognition. For example (from Rhetorica ad Herennium), "'I mean him, men of the jury, the ruddy, short, bent man, with white and rather curly hair, blue-grey eyes, and a huge scar on his chin, if perhaps you can recall him to memory.'"