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pity 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others,
  1. Feel sorrow for the misfortunes of
    • - Clare didn't know whether to envy or pity them
    • - he gave her a pitying look
  1. The feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others
    • - her voice was full of pity
  2. A cause for regret or disappointment
    • - what a pity we can't be friends

  1. commiseration: a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others; "the blind are too often objects of pity"
  2. feel for: share the suffering of
  3. an unfortunate development; "it's a pity he couldn't do it"
  4. compassion: the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it
  5. Pity evokes a tender or sometimes slightly contemptuous sorrow or empathy for people, a person, or an animal in misery, pain, or distress. ...
  6. (Pitys (mythology)) In Greek mythology— or more particularly in Ancient Greek poetry— Pitys (Πίτυς; English translation: "pine") was an Oread nymph who was pursued by Pan. According to a passage in Nonnus' Dionysiaca (ii.108) she was changed into a pine tree by the gods in order to escape him. ...
  7. A feeling of sympathy at the misfortune or suffering of someone or something; Something regrettable; To feel pity for (someone or something); Short form of what a pity
  8. which regards its object not only as suffering, but weak, and hence as inferior.
  9. Blake is ambivalent about the emotion Pity. In The Book of Urizen Pity begins when Los looks on the body of Urizen bound in chains (Urizen 13.50-51). However, Pity furthers the fall, "For pity divides the soul" (13.53), dividing Los and Enitharmon, who is named Pity at her birth. ...
  10. (1) remembering yourself. (2) one remove from love.
  11. (c. 1795) is a colour print on paper, finished in ink and watercolor, by English artist and poet William Blake. Along with his other works of this period, it was influenced by the Bible, Milton, and Shakespeare.^[2] In this work, the inspiration came from Macbeth, especially the lines:
  12. FT of [open 8] starts at chest and then pronates and strokes the air. For a QuickTime movie of this sign, see ASL browser - pity.
  13. Mr. T’s most commonly used move. Often used in conjunction with his catchphrase “I pity the fool!”. His pity has been known to on its own be responsible for many of his actions, as he can use his pity to do just about anything he wants. ...
  14. (v) cazıqsınırģa, cumuşarģa