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physiotherapist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. physical therapist: therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder
  2. (physiotherapy) physical therapy: therapy that uses physical agents: exercise and massage and other modalities
  3. Physical therapy or physiotherapy, often abbreviated PT, is a health profession Physical therapy provides services to individuals and populations to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout the lifespan. ...
  4. (Physiotherapists) are regulated health-care professionals who treat your physical injuries through a range of passive and active exercises that target your specific physical needs. ...
  5. (Physiotherapy) Rehabilitative therapy that helps recovery from injury, surgery or disease. Treatments – which include massage, traction, hydrotherapy, corrective exercise and electrical stimulation – help to relieve pain, increase strength and improve the range of motion.
  6. Physiotherapy (also known as physical therapy) is an health profession concerned with and the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of disease, dysfunction and disability through physical means. ...
  7. Physiotherapy or physical therapy is concerned with identifying and maximising quality of life and movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment/intervention, habilitation and rehabilitation. This encompasses physical, psychological, emotional, and social well being. ...
  8. (PHYSIOTHERAPY) Can be helpful to suggest strategies to improve gross-motor coordination.
  9. (PHYSIOTHERAPY) Ultrasound waves produce heat as well as sound echoes. The low levels of heat produced by ultrasound appear to speed up wound healing, first by facilitating the release of histamine, a chemical that attracts white blood cells to the injured tissue. ...
  10. (Physiotherapy) Exercising specific parts of the body to relearning movement, regain range of movement or rehabilitate part of the body.
  11. (Physiotherapy) The management and treatment of movement disorders which arise as a consequence of conditions and diseases.
  12. (Physiotherapy) Total of all natural (non-chirurgical) therapies applied to re-establish, to maintain or to improve the harmonic function of the human organism.
  13. (Physiotherapy) Treatment of impaired physiological functionings using natural remedies such as water, air, light, electricity, cold, heat, limb manipulation, massage and spa waters.
  14. Uses physical and mechanical means (massage, regulated exercise, water, light, heat, and electricity) in the treatment and prevention of pain or injuries.
  15. Definition: A professional who treats and manages patient with musculoskeletal problems using exercises and other forms of physical therapy.
  16. An allied health professional who specialises in the assessment and management of physical injury or disability.
  17. Physiotherapists assess and manage children with movement disorders, disability or illness. They aim to help the child reach their full potential and improve their quality of life by encouraging independence, physical fitness and well-being. ...
  18. A registered healthcare professional who works to maintain and improve the movement and function of joints and limbs.
  19. a health care professional who addresses the issues of gross motor skills, including standing and walking abilities; also assesses joint range and muscle strength, and provides prescription and training in the use of equipment and orthotics
  20. A person trained to provide assessment and treatment in movement and physical development such as balance, co-ordination, ability to sit, stand and walk. They are able to give advice to schools on programmes of support.
  21. means a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association or of a provincial/territorial association affiliated with it, or in the absence of such association, a person with comparable qualifications as determined by the Administrator;
  22. A therapist who specialises in physical methods of treatment to promote healing and return to health
  23. physiotherapists work with patients to identify and improve their movement and function and help promote their patients’ health and wellbeing, and assist the rehabilitation process by developing and restoring the affected body system
  24. Individuals trained to evaluate and improve movement and function of the body, with particular attention to physical mobility, balance, posture, fatigue and pain. ...
  25. A State Registered Physiotherapist who, for the purposes of Outpatient cases, is deemed to be a Specialist. Physiotherapy must be given under the direction of a specialist.