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perjury 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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perjuries, plural;
  1. The offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation

  1. criminal offense of making false statements under oath
  2. Perjury, also known as forswearing, is the willful act of swearing a false oath or affirmation to tell the truth, whether spoken or in writing, concerning matters material to a judicial proceeding. ...
  3. The deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath
  4. (perjured) testified falsely under oath; falsified; untrue
  5. (perjurious) per·ju·ry (pűrąje-rę) noun plural per·ju·ries 1. Law. The deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath. 2. The breach of an oath or a promise. [Middle English periurie, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin periúrium, from periúrâre, to perjure.]. ...
  6. Giving false evidence or information while under oath.
  7. A false statement made on purpose while under oath in a court proceeding.
  8. The crime committed by a witness in court proceedings involving the affirmation of a deliberate falsehood on oath or on an affirmation equivalent to oath.
  9. Lying in court, whether in your own case or in someone else's case in which you are a witness, is called perjury (sections 131 - 136 of the Criminal Code). In most cases perjury is an indictable offence that can get you up to 14 years in jail.
  10. The act of willfully swearing falsely.
  11. the act of lying under oath.
  12. Making a false statement under oath or affirmation. Perjury is a felony punishable by a fine and/or prison term.
  13. The giving of false evidence in any judicial proceedings
  14. to tell a lie in court after having sworn to tell the truth.  It is a criminal offence.
  15. Intentionally lying to the court while giving evidence under oath; also applies to lying in a sworn document, such as an affidavit. This is a criminal offence.
  16. "Lying under oath," or "perjury" is a criminal offense. A person is legally required to truthfully answer questions, or abstain from answering at all, if he or she has sworn before a court clerk, notary public, or other official to tell the truth. ...
  17. The intentional making of a false statement under oath or affirmation. For no known reason, a person may lie to the court without committing perjury if he has not been first duly sworn. ...
  18. This occurs when a person gives false evidence or false affidavit in a case.
  19. deliberately swearing under oath, or affirming under penalty of law, that a statement is true when the person swearing knows the statement is false.
  20. The willful telling of a lie while under lawful oath to tell the truth.
  21. False swearing upon an oath properly administered in some judicial proceedings.
  22. A willful assertion as a fact, opinion, belief, or knowledge made by a witness in a judicial proceeding as part of his evidence made under oath or in writing upon declaration affirming to the truth of the statement. ...
  23. The crime of lying under oath. It includes lying during the trial, at a deposition or in a written affidavit. It can be punishable by imprisonment.
  24. Giving one's word under oath falsely, or making a promise under oath without intending to keep it. Perjury violates the second and eighth commandments.