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offensive 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry,
  1. Causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry
    • - the allegations made are deeply offensive to us
    • - offensive language
  2. (of a sight or smell) Disgusting; repulsive
    • - an offensive odor
  3. Actively aggressive; attacking
    • - offensive operations against the insurgents
  4. (of a weapon) Meant for use in attack

  5. (in a game) Of or relating to the team or player who is seeking to score

  1. An attacking military campaign
    • - an impending military offensive against the guerrillas
  2. An organized and forceful campaign to achieve something, typically a political or social end
    • - the need to launch an offensive against crime

  1. offense: the action of attacking an enemy
  2. violating or tending to violate or offend against; "violative of the principles of liberty"; "considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity"
  3. for the purpose of attack rather than defense; "offensive weapons"
  4. causing anger or annoyance; "offensive remarks"
  5. unsavory: morally offensive; "an unsavory reputation"; "an unsavory scandal"
  6. unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses; "offensive odors"
  7. An offensive is a military operation that seeks through aggressive projection of armed force to occupy territory, gain an objective or achieve some larger strategic, operational or tactical goal. Another term for an offensive often used by the media is 'invasion', or the more general 'attack'.
  8. Offensive (Offensief) is a Trotskyist organisation that was operating within the Dutch Socialist Party (SP) in an entryist fashion. Offensief is a member of the Committee for a Workers' International.
  9. (Offense (law)) In law, an offence is a violation of the penal law. An offence can range from a simple misdemeanour (e.g. a traffic violation) to a felony (e.g. capital murder). ...
  10. (Offense (policy debate)) In policy debate, offense refers to arguments that make a definite value judgment about an advocacy.
  11. An attack; The posture of attacking or being able to attack; Causing offense; arousing a visceral reaction of disgust, anger, or hatred; Relating to an offense or attack, as opposed to defensive; Having to do with play directed at scoring
  12. (offense) The act of offending; a crime or sin; an affront or injury; The state of being offended or displeased; anger; displeasure; (often IPA: /ˈɒ fɛns/) A strategy and tactics employed when in position to score; contrasted with defense; (often IPA: /ˈɒ fɛns/) The portion of a team dedicated ...
  13. Offensiveness generally occurs when negative stereotypes of certain subgroup members are presented in an assessment.  Other types of offensiveness include slurs, blatant or implied, based on stereotypic negatives about how members of particular groups behave. ...
  14. (offense) An act that violates (breaks) the law. (See also crime, public offense.)
  15. (offense) When non-Muslims resist the domination of Islam.
  16. the charged offense is the crime for which the defendant was arrested or filed on by the district attorney. The convicted offense is the offense the defendant was convicted of or pled guilty to in court. The sustained offense is the offense for which the juvenile court sustains a petition.
  17. (Offense) A breach or breaking of a criminal law, either felony or misdemeanor.
  18. (OFFENSE) A violation of a criminal or traffic law, which results in a citation or complaint.
  19. (Offense) the function of trying to score goals.
  20. (OFFENSE) An unlawful act which has been reported to a law enforcement agency.
  21. (Offense) A team or member of a team whose chief responsibility it is to attack and score points. Also, the technique or method of attack.
  22. (Offense) Also called "Attacking"; when a team has the ball.
  23. (Offense) Conduct for which a person may be sentenced to a fine or jail. This is a very broad term and includes felonies, misdemeanors, violations and infractions.
  24. (Offense) The amount of weaponry on a ship.
  25. (Offense) The conduct underlying a conviction. (256)