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motif 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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motifs, plural;
  1. A decorative design or pattern
    • - T-shirts featuring spiral motifs
  2. A distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition
    • - the nautical motif of his latest novel
  3. A short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed
    • - the motif in the second violin is submerged by the first violin's countermelody
  4. An ornament of lace, braid, etc., sewn separately on a garment

  5. A distinctive sequence on a protein or DNA, having a three-dimensional structure that allows binding interactions to occur

  1. a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration
  2. a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music
  3. theme: a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme"
  4. In algebraic geometry, a motive (or sometimes motif, following French usage) denotes 'some essential part of an algebraic variety'. To date, pure motives have been defined, while conjectural mixed motives have not. ...
  5. In chess composition, a motif is basic element of a move in the consideration why the piece moves and how it supports the fulfillment of a stipulation. Any move may and often does contain multiple motifs. ...
  6. In music, a motif or motive is a short musical idea, a salient recurring figure, musical fragment or succession of notes that has some special importance in or is characteristic of a composition. ...
  7. In narrative, a motif is any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story. Through its repetition, a motif can help produce other narrative (or literary) aspects such as theme or mood. James H. Grayson. ...
  8. In computing, the Motif Window Manager (MWM) is an X window manager based on the Motif toolkit.
  9. In the textile arts, a motif (also called a block or square) is a smaller element in a much larger work. In knitting and crochet, motifs are made one at a time and joined together to create larger works such as afghan blankets or shawls. A good example of a motif is the granny square.
  10. (Motifs) Single or repeated design elements found throughout the rug.
  11. (Motifs) Coordinating design pattern used to fill and area of the quilt such as a block.
  12. (Motifs) are recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the text's major themes.
  13. (Motifs) A pattern of DNA sequence that is similar for genes of similar function. Also a pattern for protein primary structure (sequence motifs) and tertiary structure that is the same across proteins of similar families.
  14. (Motifs) Images, patterns, or ideas that are repeated throughout the film and are variations or aspects of the major theme.
  15. (Motifs) These are designs used to compliment a fabric or patchwork or theme of a quilt top, such as animals marching along a border on a “Noah's Ark” quilt.
  16. (Motifs) With the advent of computerized clip art, a motif or what the printers call ornaments/logo, can be used on all your stationery items. Each supplier carriers different motifs for you to choose from or you can design your own. ...
  17. (motifs) (in  Central Asian arts: Fergana and Chorasmia)
  18. A distinctive and recurring form, shape or figure.
  19. The dominant feature of a design.
  20. A conspicuous recurring element, such as a type of incident, a device, a reference, or verbal formula, which appears frequently in works of literature. ...
  21. an element that stays the same within a tradition.
  22. (Also known as Motiv or Leitmotiv.) A theme, character type, image, Metaphor, or other verbal element that recurs throughout a single work of literature or occurs in a number of different works over a period of time. ...
  23. an image or action in a literary work that is shared by other works and that is sometimes thought to belong to a collective unconsciousness.
  24. A symbol in its aspect as a verbal unit in a work of literary art.
  25. A short melodic, harmonic or rhythmic idea. It is the shortest fragment of a theme or a phrase that still maintains its identity. A typical example is the opening motif in Beethoven's Symphony No. ...