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mathematician 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mathematicians, plural;
  1. An expert in or student of mathematics

  1. a person skilled in mathematics
  2. A mathematician is a person whose primary area of study or research, or both, is the field of mathematics. Mathematicians are concerned with particular problems related to logic, space, transformations, numbers and more general ideas which encompass these concepts. ...
  3. (Mathematicians) Anaxagoras · Anthemius · Archytas · Aristaeus the Elder · Aristarchus · Apollonius · Archimedes · Autolycus · Bion · Boethius · Bryson · Callippus · Carpus · Chrysippus · Cleomedes · Conon · Ctesibius · Democritus · Dicaearchus · Diocles · Diophantus · Dinostratus · Dionysodorus ...