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manageable 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Able to be managed, controlled, or accomplished without great difficulty,
  1. Able to be managed, controlled, or accomplished without great difficulty
    • - it leaves hair feeling soft and manageable
    • - the situation was manageable, if a little nerve-racking

  1. capable of being managed or controlled
  2. accomplishable: capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do
  3. (manageably) so as to be manageable; "this house is manageably small"
  4. The term "manageable" means and includes all dogs and cats who are not "healthy" and who are not likely to become "healthy," regardless of the care provided; but who would likely maintain a satisfactory quality of life, if given medical, foster, behavioral, or other care, including long-term ...