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lunge 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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lunges, plural;
  1. Make a lunge
    • - the sequined guests lunged at the food
    • - John lunged forward and grabbed him by the throat
  2. Make a sudden forward thrust with (a part of the body or a weapon)
    • - Billy lunged his spear at the fish
  1. A sudden forward thrust of the body, typically with an arm outstretched to attack someone or seize something
    • - he made a lunge at her
  2. The basic attacking move in fencing, in which the leading foot is thrust forward with the knee bent while the back leg remains straightened

  3. An exercise or gymnastic movement resembling the lunge of a fencer

  1. lurch: the act of moving forward suddenly
  2. make a thrusting forward movement
  3. (fencing) an attacking thrust made with one foot forward and the back leg straight and with the sword arm outstretched forward
  4. The lunge is a weight training exercise that is used to strengthen the quadriceps muscles, gluteal muscles and the muscles comprising the "hamstrings", the semitendinosus, the semimembranosus, and the biceps femoris. A long lunge emphasizes the glutes whereas a short lunge emphasizes the quadriceps.
  5. The lunge is the fundamental offensive fencing technique used with all three fencing weapons: foil, épée and sabre. It is common to all contemporary fencing styles.
  6. (Lungeing) Longeing (USA) or lungeing (UK English, informal USA) is a technique for training horses, where a horse is asked to work at the end of a long line and respond to commands from a handler on the ground who holds the line. ...
  7. A sudden forward movement, especially with a sword; A long rope or flat web line, more commonly referred to as a lunge line, approximately 20-30 feet long, attached to the bridle, lungeing cavesson, or halter of a horse and is used to control the animal while lungeing; An exercise performed by ...
  8. (lunges (floor/step)) a lunge can be to the rear or to the side - to the rear, take one leg back behind, placing the ball of the foot on the floor, reaching forward with the arms to aid balance, then bring the leg in again - to the side, take (e.g. ...
  9. (lunges) multi-joint lower body free weight exercise that simulates a stride.
  10. (Lunging) A way of exercising a horse, using a lunge line that is attached to the horse's halter. The horse moves in circles around the trainer, who stands in the middle holding the lunge line.
  11. (Lunging) A training method a horse uses on its owner with the purpose of making the owner spin in circles-rendering the owner dizzy and light-headed so that they get sick and pass out, so the horse can go back to eating.
  12. (Lunging) Popular training method in which a horse exercises their owner by spinning them in circles until dizzy.
  13. (Lunging) This is a form of training that places the horse on a long rein, encouraging it to move forward to verbal commands in circles around the trainer. It creates suppleness, athleticism and helps train the horse to the basic commands
  14. (Lunging) Using one leg to make a long stride while keeping other static.
  15. A skating move in which one leg is bent sharply at the knee and the other is extended backwards in a straight line with the boot or blade touching the ice.
  16. A weight transfer to a bent leg with the other leg extended
  17. Horse rearing or plunging.
  18. The lunge is also a common skill for beginners which develops control of gliding direction and leg strength. ...
  19. an attack made by extending the rear leg and landing on the bent front leg
  20. One of the two basic postures of fencing used to attack an opponent out of arm's reach.
  21. An abrupt lean of the body just before the catch, which can throw a rower oarsmen out of synch with the rest of the crew.
  22. Right Lunge: In closed position, trail feet free, lower into the left knee and step side and forward onto the right, keeping the left side in toward your partner and your body upright. Don't lean over your partner. ...
  23. an out-of-control dynamic move; a jump for a far-off hold
  24. (lunj)- v. Strong push with the back foot that accelerates one toward one's opponent. Easy to understand, difficult to do.
  25. A move performed with any dagger which sends foes falling backward unless they can hit the jump button in time to not fall on their back.