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longitudes, plural;
  1. The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes
    • - at a longitude of 2° W
    • - lines of longitude

  1. the angular distance between a point on any meridian and the prime meridian at Greenwich
  2. Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time is a best-selling book by Dava Sobel about John Harrison, an 18th century clockmaker who created the first clock (chronometer) sufficiently accurate to be used to determine longitude at sea—an ...
  3. Longitude was a 2000 TV drama produced by Granada Productions and A&E for Channel 4, first broadcast in 2000 in the UK on Channel 4 and the US on A&E. It was an adaptation of the 1997 book of the same title by Dava Sobel. ...
  4. (Longitudes) The commonly used dimension of astrology- the locations of the planets horizontally around the zodiac wheel.
  5. (1) Terrestrial or Geographical. The distance of any point on the Earth's surface, E. or W. of Greenwich; measured by geographers in degrees; by astronomers, in hours. (2) Celestial. ...
  6. The distance of a planet from the first point of Aries.
  7. position on the east-west coordinate, only made possible in the eighteenth century with the invention of chronometers.
  8. The angle of a location on the earth's surface usually expressed in degrees east or west of the Greenwich Meridian. New York, for example, is at approximately 74° west.
  9. Imaginary lines drawn through the north and south poles on the globe used to measure distance east and west. Greenwich England is designated as 0° with other distances being measured in degrees east and west of Greenwich. ...
  10. The second component of a spherical coordinate system used to record east-west positions on the earth's surface, measured in degrees as the arc or position of the earth's equator intersected between the meridian of a given place and the prime meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England. ...
  11. Degrees difference East or West from Greenwich, England.
  12. The location east or west in reference to the Prime Meridian, which is designated as zero (0) degrees longitude. The distance between lines of longitude are greater at the equator and smaller at the higher latitudes, intersecting at the earth's North and South Poles. ...
  13. Angular distance along a parallel, calculated from a source meridian in a system of spherical coordinates.
  14. A sub-section of Physical Data, on the Advanced tab. See Longitude in the User Guide for more information
  15. noun - Angular distance on the surface of a planet that measures distance east/west from a prime meridian. Longitudinal lines on a trionian planet run north/south, and are in the shape of half-circles. Each longitude on a tetronian planet is in the shape of a hemisphere.
  16. Imaginary lines running round the globe north to south which divide the world like segments of an orange. Used with lines of latitude to measure position and distance.
  17. A measurement of position in the east-west direction relative to the prime meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England.
  18. Lines of measurement at right angles to the equator of a planet or the Moon. Measured in degrees of angle from a designated line of 0 degrees. On the Moon, 0 degrees longitude is at the center of the visible face, in the Sinus Medii.
  19. A measure of distance from Greenwich, England, expressed as an angle along the equator from the meridian of Greenwich to the meridian of the point in question. Similar to Right Ascension.
  20. The north and south lines running from pole to pole on a map or globe grid.
  21. Angular measurement east and west of the prime or Greenwich meridian. Represented on the globe as a series of great circles intersecting at both poles.
  22. Imaginary lines that cross the surface of the Earth, running from north to south, measuring how far east or west of the prime meridian a place is located.
  23. An imaginary line of demarcation, circling the earth vertically, and measured in degrees from the Prime Meridian of zero degrees. (See GREENWICH)
  24. angle. In The Solar Almanac, longitude is usually short for "ecliptic longitude". See ecliptic coordinates.
  25. (forthcoming); aka: meridian of longitude