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legislature 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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legislatures, plural;
  1. The legislative body of a country or state

  1. persons who make or amend or repeal laws
  2. A legislature is a type of deliberative assembly with the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws. The law created by a legislature is called legislation or statutory law. ...
  3. A governmental body with the power to make, amend and repeal laws; A legislative building
  4. (Legislatures) are known by many names including parliament, senate, or congress.
  5. To dream that you are a member of a legislature, foretells you will be vain of your possessions and will treat members of your family unkindly. You will have no real advancement.
  6. The branch of government that makes laws, known in Ireland as the Oireachtas (See also Executive, Judiciary, Oireachtas and Separation of powers)
  7. a group of persons given the power and responsibility to make laws for a country or state. The Parliament in Great Britain and the federal Congress in the United States are both legislatures.
  8. The elected, representative branch of State government formed by the constitution to make and revise laws, approve certain executive nominations, and propose constitutional changes.
  9. 14. (1) Subject to paragraph two of this Term, the Constitution of the Legislature of Newfoundland as it existed immediately prior to the sixteenth day of February, 1934, shall, subject to these Terms and the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1940, continue as the Constitution of the Legislature of the ...
  10. The Legislature consists of the Lieutenant Governor and the House of Assembly. The Legislature makes the laws of the Province.
  11. One of the three branches of Indiana state government [along with the executive branch (the governor) and the judicial branch (the Indiana Supreme Court)]. In Indiana, the legislative branch is comprised of the 100-member Indiana House of Representatives and the 50-member Indiana Senate.
  12. an elected branch of government having the power to make laws.
  13. The branch of state government responsible for enacting laws.
  14. government. That body of men in the state which has the power of making laws.
  15. The Senate and the House of Representatives collectively.
  16. A deliberative body such as Congress which acts as the designated popular sovereign for a jurisdiction and which exercises polis powers of policy making limited by constitution, written or unwritten, and governmental custom. ...
  17. A representative assembly of persons that makes statutory laws for a municipality, state, or nation.
  18. An officially elected group of people with the responsibility and power to make laws for a province. Also refers to the actual building where they discuss new legislation.
  19. a body that is responsible for the formal approval of legislation and the raising and spending of funds by the government
  20. One or more consultative chambers or assemblies for political debate and the scrutiny and passing of legislation.
  21. Parliament (Shaelic: Sazebae), consisting of two bodies: the National Assembly (Shaelic: Zoqabae Ganeiri), comprising 197 seats, and the Voices of the States (Shaelic: Domi Puvinum), consisting of 52 members known as Speakers.
  22. A body of people which makes laws.
  23. The law making body of a state
  24. Imperial Legislative Council
  25. decide whether and what terms to imply into contracts.