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lakes, plural;
  1. An insoluble pigment made by combining a soluble organic dye and an insoluble mordant

  2. A purplish-red pigment of this kind, originally one made with lac, used in dyes, inks, and paints

  1. a body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land
  2. a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal
  3. any of numerous bright translucent organic pigments
  4. A lake is a terrain feature (or physical feature), a body of liquid on the surface of a world that is localized to the bottom of basin (another type of landform or terrain feature; that is not global). ...
  5. Lake is the self-titled first studio album by Lake, released in Germany in 1976 and the USA in 1977. The track Time Bomb was the band's highest charting single of their career.
  6. Lake is a German rock music band that formed in the early 1970s under the name Tornados, changing their name to Lake in 1973. They mostly covered material by other bands in their early years, but released three singles, Come Down/We're Gonna Rock, King Of The Rock'n Roll Party, and Sailor. ...
  7. Lake (also known as Lake/State) is an 'L' station on the CTA's Red Line. Lake is a transfer station between the Red Line and the Brown, Green, Orange, Pink, and Purple Lines at the State/Lake station. ...
  8. A pigment is a material that changes the color of reflected or transmitted light as the result of wavelength-selective absorption. This physical process differs from fluorescence, phosphorescence, and other forms of luminescence, in which a material emits light.
  9. Lake Station is a freeway-median light rail station in the Los Angeles County Metro Rail system. It is located below North Lake Avenue in the median of the 210 Freeway in Pasadena, California. The station is served by the Gold Line. Metro Retrieved 2010-05-05.
  10. Large, landlocked, naturally occurring stretch of water; an area characterised by its many lakes; e.g., the English Lake District is often shortened to The Lakes; A large amount of liquid: a wine lake; To present an offering; To leap, jump, exert oneself, play
  11. (Lakes) Jezioro Goczałkowickie · Nyskie Lake · Jezioro Otmuchowskie · Jezioro Sławskie · Slezská Harta
  12. (Lakes) Organic pigment: a water-soluble dye absorbed on alumina. See alumina powder.
  13. (Lakes) Rwanda has 28 lakes of significant size. Six among the largest are entirely within the national territory: Ruhondo, Muhazi, Mugasera, Ihema, Rwanye and Burera. Three others, Rugwero, Cyohoha and Kivu, are shared with neighboring countries. ...
  14. (Lakes) There are four major lakes in Mt. Apo . Popular of these are Lake Agco , used to be called "The Blue Lake" and Lake Venado , a famous mountaineers camping site and a stopover towards the peak. Lake Macadac and Lake Jordan are found in the summit grassland.
  15. (The Lakes) FDR Park. Located in the very south end of South Philadelphia.^[22]^[23]
  16. Lakes and ponds in the vicinity of New London and Colby-Sawyer include Pleasant Lake, Messer Pond, Little Lake Sunapee, Otter Lake, Ledge Pond, Mt. View Lake and Lake Sunapee. Most are acessible via state-owned boat ramps. ...
  17. The dry lakes in and around Southern California where hotrodders raced their cars
  18. Any inland body of standing water, usually fresh water, larger than a pool or pond; a body of water filling a depression in the earth's surface.
  19. A colored natural or synthetic dye absorbed onto a semi-transparent base and used as a pigment.
  20. a body of water on a continental mass. Usually refers to surface water stores which are still and composed of fresh water. However, can be used for saltwater bodies or underground stores if they are in cavities such as caverns.
  21. natural body of inland water (backwater, lac, lagoon, laguna, pond, pool, resaca, waterhole).
  22. An inland body of standing water deeper than a pond, an expanded part of a river, a reservoir behind a dam.
  23. In EMAP, a standing body of water greater than 1 hectare (about 2.5 acre) that has at least 1000 m2 (about 0.25 acre) of open water and is at least 1 meter (about 3 feet) deep at its deepest point. (See related: surface waters, wetlands.)
  24. is a body of water, which may be man-made or natural, occurring on the land surface.
  25. A man-made impoundment or natural body of fresh water of considerable size, whose open-water and deep-bottom zones (no light penetration to bottom) are large compared to the shallow-water (shoreline) zone, which has light penetration to its bottom.