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gangrene 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Localized death and decomposition of body tissue, resulting from either obstructed circulation or bacterial infection,
  1. Become affected with gangrene

  1. Localized death and decomposition of body tissue, resulting from either obstructed circulation or bacterial infection

  1. necrose: undergo necrosis; "the tissue around the wound necrosed"
  2. necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass
  3. necrosis: the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)
  4. (gangrenous) suffering from tissue death
  5. Gangrene is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that arises when a considerable mass of body tissue dies (necrosis). This may occur after an injury or infection, or in people suffering from any chronic health problem affecting blood circulation. ...
  6. Gangrene is the third album by Mirrorthrone. The song, "So Frail", is featured in the video game,Brütal Legend.
  7. The necrosis or rotting of flesh, usually caused by lack of blood supply; A damaging or corrupting influence
  8. (gangrenous) Indicative of or afflicted with gangrene
  9. The death of body tissue, most often caused by a lack of blood flow and infection. It can lead to amputation.
  10. The death of body tissue due to bacterial infection or the lack of blood circulation. Gangrene results from surgery or in extreme situations where an individual is pinned under a fallen object and blood flow is disrupted for long periods of time.
  11. a death of body tissue that usually occurs when there has been an interruption of blood supply, followed by bacterial invasion.
  12. The death or decay of body tissues, usually due to loss of blood supply to the affected area, which may be followed by bacterial infection. See DIABETIC NEUROPATHY, AMPUTATION.
  13. death of tissue leading to it's rotting. A frequent complication of frostbite (as from liquid helium or liquid nitrogen)
  14. A form of a wet or dry infection, frequently seen in diabetes causing decay and dying of tissue in a localized part of the body or involve an organ or a limb because of an obstruction or loss of blood supply, injury, or disease resulting from arteriosclerosis.
  15. a necrosis (death) of tissue, usually due to deficient, obstructed, or lost blood supply; it may be localized to a small area or it may involve an entire organ or extremity.
  16. Massive tissue death due to injury, disease, or failure of blood supply
  17. Death of tissue with putrefaction, sometimes referred to as ‘wet’ gangrene (Greek gaggraina, ‘death of tissue). C.f. necrosis, mummification
  18. Death and decay of body tissue, often occurring in a limb, caused by insufficient blood supply and usually following injury or disease.
  19. death of soft tissue due to obstructed circulation, usually followed by decomposition
  20. death of a tissue, usually as a result of loss of blood supply. It mayaffect a small area of skin, a finger, or a substantial portion of a limb.
  21. Death and decay of tissue in a part of the body, usually a limb, due to injury, disease, or failure of blood supply. Synonym: mortification.
  22. The death of tissue caused by a very poor blood supply, as sometimes occurs in the feet and legs of persons with diabetes. Infection may be a contributing cause.
  23. Death of tissue, usually due to insufficient oxygen supply. Typically, the narrowing or even complete blockage of the arteries of the legs with with pain walking or even death of foot or leg tissue is called gangrene, which is roughly comparable to "smoker's leg"
  24. Tissue death caused by arterial blockage, occasionally caused by infection.
  25. a septic process located in the pulp tissues.