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fulfilment 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. fulfillment: a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires
  2. fulfillment: the act of consummating something (a desire or promise etc)
  3. The act of fulfilling; The state or quality of being fulfilled; completion; realization
  4. The process of supplying goods after an order has been received. Also the process of reacting to a customer's initial request, covering everything that has to happen from the time they place an order until they have received it and are completely satisfied
  5. refers to the publisher's duty in creating and maintaining an active subscriber list (including producing all the necessary stats and reports for auditing and marketing). Fulfilment can be achieved in-house with the help of speciality software, or through an outside fulfilment house (e.g. INDAS).
  6. The process of receiving, producing, preparing and dispatching a completed client order.
  7. A document image that the acquiring Bank supplies in response to a retrieval request