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frequencies, plural;
  1. The rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample
    • - shops have closed with increasing frequency during the period
  2. The fact of being frequent or happening often

  3. The ratio of the number of actual to possible occurrences of an event

  4. The (relative) number of times something occurs in a given sample

  5. The rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second

  6. The particular waveband at which a radio station or other system broadcasts or transmits signals

  1. the number of occurrences within a given time period; "the frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second"; "the frequency of his seizures increased as he grew older"
  2. the ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations
  3. Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. It is also referred to as temporal frequency. The period is the duration of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period is the reciprocal of the frequency. ...
  4. Frequency by Nick Gilder was released in 1979 on the Chrysalis record label.
  5. Frequency is a 2000 film that contains elements of the time travel, thriller, and alternate history film genres. It was directed by Gregory Hoblit and written by Toby Emmerich. The film stars Dennis Quaid and James Caviezel as father and son, Frank and John Sullivan respectively. ...
  6. Frequency is a studio album by the British neo-progressive band IQ, released in late May 2009. It was the first album recorded with new band members Andy Edwards (drums) and Mark Westworth (keyboards). A special edition with a bonus DVD was also released. ...
  7. Frequency (born Bryan Fryzel in January 1983) is an American music producer and DJ from Rockville Centre, New York.
  8. Sound is a travelling wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations.
  9. The rate of occurrence of anything; the relationship between incidence and time period; The property of occurring often rather than infrequently; The quotient of the number of times n a periodic phenomenon occurs over the time t in which it occurs: f = n / t
  10. (Frequencies) Or frequency distribution: in a survey, a table showing what number (or percentage) of respondents gave each answer to a question. Also called marginals or top-line results. Here's an example of a frequency distribution that matches the above cross-tab.
  11. (Frequencies) The range of infrared carrier frequencies that a remote control is capable of learning or controlling. Most remotes operate between 30 and 60kHz, however some use higher and are thus known as high frequency. See also: learning, high frequency.
  12. (Frequencies) Benefit information that advises how often certain procedures can be covered under the dental plan. For Example: One cleaning every 6 months.
  13. (f) the number of cycles per second; measured in hertz (Hz).
  14. The average number of times the same person will hear a commercial.
  15. The number of times that a loss will occur within any given period of time
  16. This refers to the number of times a visitor to a website is shown a single ad. Ad servers use cookies to track the impression count of ads served, so as to prevent any given ad exceeding maximum number of permitted views per person.
  17. When you observe waves in a pool or as they hit the edge or a cork bobbing up and down in the water with the wave you are actually seeing a physical form of frequency in action. ...
  18. The lowest inherent rate of free vibration of a spring itself (usually in cycles per second) with ends restrained.
  19. The number of times per second that a signal fluctuates. The international unit for frequency is the hertz (Hz). One thousand hertz equals 1 KHz (kilohertz). One million hertz equals 1 MHz (megahertz). One billion hertz equals 1 GHz (gigahertz). ...
  20. The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, expressed in Hertz (Hz).
  21. The average number of times an individual has the opportunity to see an advertising message during a defined period of time. Typically measured over a four-week period.
  22. The number of cycles (vibrations) per second. In audio, audible frequencies commonly range from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second (Hz). In video, frequency is used to define the image resolution. Low-frequency video images depict large objects or images. ...
  23. Number of times a loss occurs. One of the criteria used in calculating premium rates.
  24. Frequency, in ergonomics terms, refers to how often we repeat / do something. The 'units' of interest for frequency will vary depending on the task being looked at. For many repetitive type tasks we are interested in looking at frequency in terms of the number of repetition / actions per minute. ...
  25. Rate of vibration of the soul on a scale of one to one hundred. It gives the essence its "consistency." Slow frequencies feel more solid, medium frequencies feel more liquid, and fast frequencies feel more gaseous.