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fluctuate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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fluctuated, past participle; fluctuates, 3rd person singular present; fluctuating, present participle; fluctuated, past tense;
  1. Rise and fall irregularly in number or amount
    • - trade with other countries tends to fluctuate from year to year
    • - a fluctuating level of demand

  1. cause to fluctuate or move in a wavelike pattern
  2. move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern; "the line on the monitor vacillated"
  3. be unstable; "The stock market fluctuates"
  4. (fluctuating) having unpredictable ups and downs; "fluctuating prices"
  5. (fluctuation) a wave motion; "the fluctuations of the sea"
  6. (fluctuation) variation: an instance of change; the rate or magnitude of change
  7. (Fluctuation) In general, a conjuncture is a period marked by some watershed event which separates different epochs.
  8. To vary irregularly; to swing; To undulate; To cause to vary irregularly
  9. (fluctuation) A motion like that of waves; a moving in this and that direction; A wavering; unsteadiness; The motion or undulation of a fluid collected in a natural or artificial cavity, which is felt when it is subjected to pressure or percussion
  10. (fluctuation) A variation in the market price of a security.
  11. (FLUCTUATION) Variations in the value of a variable, usually around the variable's locally averaged value.
  12. (Fluctuation) A surge dip in voltage amplitude, often caused by load switching or fault clearing.
  13. (Fluctuation) Alternating changes of direction, position or conditions, i.e., alternating acceleration and deceleration of writing speed, or alternating expansion and contraction of the writing pattern.
  14. (fluctuation) A wavering, unsteady, irresolute, or undetermined movement or pattern; irregular rising and falling.
  15. (Fluctuations) Rises and falls in the values of investments
  16. (Fluctuations) optimal solution is not obvious and needs search; many useful vs. noise factors affect this search
  17. (fluctuations) 1. continual irregular variations in degree or number. 2. movements up and down, or back and forth. 3. continuous changes that are irregular, at least for short periods of time. From the Latin fluctus, a flowing (as of a water wave).
  18. v. ~  (of a price, number, rate, etc) rise and fall; change irregularly
  19. To flow, move, change back and forth.
  20. To move up and down.