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exponential 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or expressed by a mathematical exponent,
  1. Of or expressed by a mathematical exponent
    • - an exponential curve
  2. (of an increase) Becoming more and more rapid
    • - the social security budget was rising at an exponential rate

  1. of or involving exponents; "exponential growth"
  2. a function in which an independent variable appears as an exponent
  3. In mathematics, specifically in category theory, an exponential object is the categorical equivalent of a function space in set theory. Categories with all finite products and exponential objects are called cartesian closed categories. ...
  4. (Exponentials) In mathematics, the exponential function is the function e'x, where e is the number (approximately 2.718281828) such that the function e'x equals its own derivative. ...
  5. increasing or reducing at a faster and faster rate.
  6. Growing at a constant rate r, so that numbers increase with e^rt.
  7. The simple definition is “increasing at an increasing rate”. What that means is that you make more money this month than you made last month and not as much as you’re going to make next month.
  8. (a function that varies as the power of another quantity. )
  9. Used to refer to an advantage that increases over time. This term is often misused to describe something that is not truly exponential, mathematically speaking.
  10. This radio function allows the modeler to adjust the sensitivity of the control towards the center. This will make the small stick motions very precise, while longer stick movement moves the servo arm at a proportional rate.
  11. natural exponential · location-scale · maximum entropy · Pearson · Tweedie
  12. A programmable nonlinear response curve associated with a particular transmitter control. This allows either less or more sensitivity near the center of a transmitter joystick. Often useful for beginners to allow better control of helicopter movement.
  13. An increasing rate of change. Exponential processes often go from barely noticeable to astronomical in a short time.
  14. A mathematical model used in semi variogram modelling and other modelling functions where a straight line that is closely approached by a curve so that the distance between them decreases to zero as the distance from the origin increases.