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explicit 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt,
  1. Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt
    • - the speaker's intentions were not made explicit
  2. (of a person) Stating something in such a way
    • - let me be explicit
  3. Describing or representing sexual activity in a graphic fashion
    • - explicit photos showing poses and acts
  1. The closing words of a text, manuscript, early printed book, or chanted liturgical text

  1. precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication; "explicit instructions"; "she made her wishes explicit"; "explicit sexual scenes"
  2. denotative: in accordance with fact or the primary meaning of a term
  3. (explicitly) in an explicit manner; "in his foreword Professor Clark puts it explicitly"
  4. Very specific, clear, or detailed; Containing material (e.g. language or film footage) that might be deemed offensive or graphic
  5. (Explicitation) students express what they have discovered and vocabulary is introduced. The students’ experiences are linked to shared linguistic symbols. The van Hieles believe it is more profitable to learn vocabulary after students have had an opportunity to become familiar with the concept. ...
  6. (explicitly) Fully and clearly expressed, leaving nothing implied.
  7. method of identifying positions directly by pairs (for horizontal positions) or triplets (for horizontal and vertical positions) of numbers.
  8. a heading indicating the end of a section of text
  9. adj.  (of a statement, etc) clearly and fully expressed
  10. Clearly stated and leaving nothing implied; explicit is applied to that which is so clearly stated or distinctly set forth that there should be no doubt as to the meaning; exact and precise in this connection both suggest that which is strictly defined, accurately stated, or made unmistakably ...
  11. The word “explicit” comes from Latin verb “explicare” that means “to unfold.” (The prefix, “ex—,“ means “reversal,” and the root, “plicare,” means “to fold”.) Thus, a writer unfolds his meaning to the reader, making it apparent. An explicit statement is stated directly. It is clear and precise. ...
  12. A way of stating something in a computer language so that a value or action is apparent by content. In the following example, EMP-NUMBER has an explicit picture of PIC 9999, and EMP-HOURLY has an explicit picture of PIC Z9.99. Compare this with the definition of implicit.
  13. knowledge, is often found in a tangible format. It is what we capture in books, newspapers, lecture notes, and electronic files. A researcher records his interpretation of a lab experiment into a notebook, transforming it into explicit knowledge. ...
  14. (1) expressing all details in a clear and obvious way, leaving no doubt as to the intended meaning; (2) definite and unqualified rather than implied or guessed at
  15. clear, precise, definitely stated, plain to see.  A good writer who uses explicit nouns and verbs will not have to rely too heavily on adjectives and adverbs.
  16. Referring to specific text that is included in the reading passage
  17. blatantly stated, made obvious or clear
  18. Clearly stated and having no disguised meaning.