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excavate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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excavates, 3rd person singular present; excavated, past participle; excavating, present participle; excavated, past tense;
  1. Make (a hole or channel) by digging
    • - the cheapest way of doing this was to excavate a long trench
  2. Dig out material from (the ground)
    • - the ground was largely excavated by hand
  3. Extract (material) from the ground by digging
    • - a very large amount of gravel would be excavated to form the channel
  4. Remove earth carefully and systematically from (an area) in order to find buried remains

  5. Reveal or extract (buried remains) in this way
    • - clothing and weapons were excavated from the burial site

  1. recover through digging; "Schliemann excavated Troy"; "excavate gold"
  2. find by digging in the ground; "I dug up an old box in the garden"
  3. form by hollowing; "Carnegie had a lake excavated for Princeton University's rowing team"; "excavate a cavity"
  4. remove the inner part or the core of; "the mining company wants to excavate the hillside"
  5. (excavation) the act of digging; "there's an interesting excavation going on near Princeton"
  6. (excavation) dig: the site of an archeological exploration; "they set up camp next to the dig"
  7. The excavates are a major kingdom of unicellular eukaryotes, often known as Excavata. The phylogenetic category Excavata contains a variety of free-living and symbiotic forms, and also includes some important parasites of humans.
  8. (Excavation (medicine)) In medicine, excavation has two meanings: *the act of hollowing out *the space hollowed out, or a natural cavity or pouch
  9. To make a hole in (something); to hollow; To remove part of (something) by scooping or digging it out; To uncover (something) by removing its covering
  10. (excavation) the act of excavating, or of making hollow, by cutting, scooping, or digging out a part of a solid mass; a cavity formed by cutting, digging, or scooping; an uncovered cutting in the earth, in distinction from a covered cutting or tunnel; the material dug out in making a channel ...
  11. (Excavated) Lies in a basin or channel excavated by humans.
  12. (Excavation) any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in an earth surface, formed by earth removal.
  13. (Excavation) the systematic digging and recording of an archaeological site.
  14. (Excavation) The removal of soil for construction purposes.
  15. (Excavation) a method of data collection in which archaeologists remove the soil matrix and observe and record the provenience and context of archaeological finds.
  16. (excavation) digging out an area of ground to look for evidence of the past
  17. (Excavation) The process of clearing trees, removing topsoil and grading land before the foundation is laid.
  18. (EXCAVATION) Cavity or pit produced by digging the earth in preparation for construction.
  19. (EXCAVATION) Digging up and removing artifacts and features from an archaeological site in order to analyze and predict past human behavior.
  20. (EXCAVATION) means removal of surface covering, soil, pavement, etc. to expose underground equipment to view or to prepare a subsurface area for future construction.
  21. (Excavation) Any area where layers of soil or other material are systematically displaced and recorded in order to examine past human activity.
  22. (Excavation) Cutting or digging the earth's surface altering the original landscape by making a hole or a hollow (pit).
  23. (Excavation) Kumhrar·Agam Kuan·Barabar Caves·Nalanda·Vikramsila
  24. (Excavation) Removal of excess earth from roadway in preparation for new vertical and horizontal alignments.
  25. (Excavation) Removal of soil during rough grading.