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dynamic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a process or system) Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress,
  1. (of a process or system) Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress
    • - a dynamic economy
  2. (of a person) Positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas
    • - she's dynamic and determined
  3. (of a thing) Stimulating development or progress
    • - the dynamic forces of nature
  4. Of or relating to forces producing motion

  5. (of a verb) Expressing an action, activity, event, or process

  6. (of a memory device) Needing to be refreshed by the periodic application of a voltage

  7. Of or relating to the volume of sound produced by a voice, instrument, or sound recording equipment

  8. Relating to the volume of sound produced by an instrument, voice, or recording
    • - an astounding dynamic range
  1. A force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process
    • - evaluation is part of the basic dynamic of the project

  1. characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality; "a dynamic market"; "a dynamic speaker"; "the dynamic president of the firm"
  2. moral force: an efficient incentive; "they hoped it would act as a spiritual dynamic on all churches"
  3. of or relating to dynamics
  4. active: (used of verbs (e.g. `to run') and participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water')) expressing action rather than a state of being
  5. (dynamically) in a forceful dynamic manner; "this pianist plays dynamically"
  6. In physics, rigid body dynamics is the study of the motion of rigid bodies. Unlike particles, which move only in three degrees of freedom (translation in three directions), rigid bodies occupy space and have geometrical properties, such as a center of mass, moments of inertia, etc. ...
  7. (Dynamically) The dynamical system concept is a mathematical formalization for any fixed "rule" which describes the time dependence of a point's position in its ambient space. ...
  8. Dynamicism, also termed the dynamic hypothesis or the dynamic hypothesis in cognitive science or dynamic cognition, is a new approach in cognitive science exemplified by the work of philosopher Tim van Gelder. ...
  9. A characteristic or manner of an interaction; a behavior; The varying loudness or volume of a song or the markings that indicate the loudness; A symbol in a musical score that indicates the desired level of volume; Changeable; active; in motion usually as the result of an external force; ...
  10. (dynamically (doing something)) an insider joke that refers to our internal often chaotic organisation structure…
  11. Type of RAM (random access memory). To keep data in the DRAM, this data needs to be "refreshed" (recharged). The electric charge fades out of a DRAM like air seeps out of a balloon. Because of this change, it is called dynamic.
  12. A web document that is created from a database in real-time or "on the fly" at the same time it is being viewed, providing a continuous flow of new information and giving visitors a new experience each time they visit the web site.
  13. records and items are records and items that are generated in the course of gameplay. In vanilla Oblivion, most of these are dynamic references (spawned creatures) and dynamic items (objects from containers and actor inventories). ...
  14. An application in which the seal is subject to movement, or moving parts contact the seal.
  15. Climbing rope that elongates or stretches to absorb the impact of a fall. Opposite of static. Also, a climbing move in which the climber lunges or leaps to the next hold. Also called a "dyno move".
  16. refers to something that is in motion.
  17. Active, alive, or tending to produce motion as opposed to static, resting, or fixed.
  18. A changing object or expression.
  19. For option strategies, describing analyses made during the course of changing security prices and during the passage of time. This is as opposed to an analysis made at expiration of the options used in the strategy. A dynamic break-even point is one that changes as time passes. ...
  20. In Prolog, a procedure is either static or dynamic. A static procedure is one whose facts/rules are predefined at the start of execution, and do not change during execution. Normally, the facts/rules will be in a file of Prolog code which will be loaded during the Prolog session. ...
  21. level of intensity or just a level of a certain something
  22. adj.  of power or forces that produce movement
  23. Dynamic analysis means the process of parsing source code to create instrumented source, the compilation and linking of the instrumented source, the execution of the instrumented application, the import of trace data and the examination of coverage reports, views and metrics.
  24. efficiency - Achieving an efficient allocation of resources over time, particularly through innovation and the exploiting new opportunities as they arise. Monopolistic competition is often referred to as achiving dynamic efficency.
  25. Dynamic has two meanings in web design. A dynamic website is one that is built around a database. The database serves website content dynamically as it is requested, instead of being hard coded into the HTML that describes the web page. ...