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dominance 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Power and influence over others,
  1. Power and influence over others
    • - the worldwide dominance of Hollywood
  2. The phenomenon whereby, in an individual containing two allelic forms of a gene, one is expressed to the exclusion of the other

  3. The predominance of one or more species in a plant (or animal) community

  1. laterality: superior development of one side of the body
  2. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another; "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her"
  3. the organic phenomenon in which one of a pair of alleles present in a genotype is expressed in the phenotype and the other allele of the pair is not
  4. authority: the power or right to give orders or make decisions; "he has the authority to issue warrants"; "deputies are given authorization to make arrests"; "a place of potency in the state"
  5. (dominant) (music) the fifth note of the diatonic scale
  6. (dominant) exercising influence or control; "television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion"; "the dominant partner in the marriage"
  7. In the C++ programming language, dominance implies a specific behaviour of symbol disambiguation in virtual inheritance. Consider the following example: class Parent { public: void function; };
  8. Ecological dominance is the degree to which a species is more numerous than its competitors in an ecological community, or makes up more of the biomass. Most ecological communities are defined by their dominant species.
  9. Market dominance is a measure of the strength of a brand, product, service, or firm, relative to competitive offerings. There is often a geographic element to the competitive landscape. ...
  10. Dominance in the context of biology and anthropology is the state of having high social status relative to one or more other individuals, who react submissively to dominant individuals. ...
  11. In game theory, strategic dominance (commonly called simply dominance) occurs when one strategy is better than another strategy for one player, no matter how that player's opponents may play. Many simple games can be solved using dominance. ...
  12. Dominance in genetics is a non-linear relationship between different forms (alleles) of a gene and the resultant phenotype. A canonical example in a diploid species like humans is the simple 2-allele model of eye-color, where the brown (B) allele is dominant over the blue (b) allele. ...
  13. (Dominant) a phenotype or allele that completely masks another allele. The phenotype exhibited by both homozygotes and heterozygotes carrying a dominant allele.
  14. (Dominant) a gene that causes an animal to look different than the wild-type and where the homozygous form and the heterozygous form look the same as each other.
  15. (dominant) One of a series of terms applied to the phenotypic effect of a particular allele in reference to another allele (usually the standard wild-type allele) with respect to a given trait. ...
  16. (Dominant) The description of a gene in a pair of genes that will produce a particular characteristic, regardless of the characteristic of the paired gene
  17. (Dominant) Every cell contains two copies of each gene. Where only one of the gene copies or allele is mutated, and the other allele is ‘correct’, but the person is affected by a genetic condition due to that mutation, the mutation is described as dominant. ...
  18. (Dominant) trees with crowns extending above the general level of the canopy and receiving full light from above and partly from the side; taller than the average trees in the stand with crowns well developed.
  19. (Dominant) The aroma or flavour in question outweighs everything else in the wine. Not usually a favourable description; opposed to 'balance.'
  20. (dominant) Having power and influence. In genetics, a dominant gene is a gene that expresses its instructions.
  21. (Dominant) Species of plants that by means of their numbers, coverage of an area, or size influence or control the existence of associated species in a community.
  22. (Dominant) A gene that almost always results in a specific physical trait or characteristic such as brown eyes or type A blood, even though the person’s genome possesses only one copy of this dominant gene in its genotype. The other gene in this genotype case is called recessive. ...
  23. (dominant (trait)) Those conditions that are expressed in heterozygotes, ie, individuals with 1 copy of the mutant gene and 1 copy of the normal allele; refers to phenotype.
  24. (dominant) describes any trait that is expressed in a heterozygote (see recessive).
  25. (Dominant) Having a major fourth and a dominant seventh.