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dissent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dissenting, present participle; dissented, past tense; dissents, 3rd person singular present; dissented, past participle;
  1. Hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed
    • - two members dissented from the majority
    • - there were only a couple of dissenting voices
  2. Separate from an established or orthodox church because of doctrinal disagreement

  1. The expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held
    • - there was no dissent from this view
  2. Refusal to accept the doctrines of an established or orthodox church; nonconformity

  1. (law) the difference of one judge's opinion from that of the majority; "he expressed his dissent in a contrary opinion"
  2. withhold assent; "Several Republicans dissented"
  3. protest: express opposition through action or words; "dissent to the laws of the country"
  4. protest: the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent
  5. disagree: be of different opinions; "I beg to differ!"; "She disagrees with her husband on many questions"
  6. (dissenting) dissentient: disagreeing, especially with a majority
  7. Dissent is an EP by Maryland deathgrind band Misery Index.
  8. Dissent is a quarterly magazine focusing on politics and culture edited by Michael Walzer and Michael Kazin. The magazine is published for the Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas, Inc by the University of Pennsylvania Press.
  9. Dissent! is the name taken for an international network of local groups, which came together to organise opposition to the G8 summit held in Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire, Scotland in July 2005. ...
  10. (Dissenters) The term dissenter (from the Latin dissentire, “to disagree”), labels one who disagrees in matters of opinion, belief, etc. ...
  11. (The Dissenters) The Quarrymen (sometimes erroneously written "Quarry Men") are a British skiffle and rock 'n' roll group, initially formed in Liverpool in 1956, who evolved over a four-year period into The Beatles, the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed rock band in world ...
  12. Disagreement with the ideas, doctrines, decrees, etc. of a political party, government or religion; An act of disagreeing with, or deviating from, the views and opinions of those holding authority; A separate opinion filed in a case by judges who disagree with the outcome of the majority of the ...
  13. (dissenters) People objected to the accepted doctrine of the established church. The puritans who migrated to America were dissenters from the Church of England who created a new church in the colonies. ...
  14. (DISSENTERS) A right granted to shareholders that entitles them to have their shares appraised and purchased by the corporation if the corporation enters into certain transactions that the shareholders do not approve of.
  15. (Dissenters) Non-Anglican Protestants
  16. A form of misconduct consisting of protesting a call by any of the officials, punishable by a yellow card.
  17. The disagreement of one or more judges of a court with the decision of the majority.
  18. Members may move to dissent if they disagree with a ruling given by the Presiding Officer. The issue is then debated and voted upon.
  19. The uncertainty of the rules of common life, and of the opinions of philosophers.
  20. The act of disagreeing. Thus a widow’s refusal to take the share provided for her in her husband’s will and assertion of her rights under the law is known as her dissent from the will.
  21. A judge's disagreement with the majority of the court. Appellate court cases are heard by a panel of judges which can vary in number depending on the jurisdiction. ...
  22. An act of will to deny, refute or knowingly disobey the teachings of the Church. A person who dissents is called a dissenter. Dissent is the general term applied for refusing to accept (e.g. assent to) God's revealed religion with the person's will. ...
  23. Dissent is a very, very good thing. It is one of the few things worthwhile about America (so long as we are talking about a leftist dissenting with anyone who favors Liberty. In all other cases, see "Divisiveness" below).
  24. When a player expresses disagreement by word or action with any decision of the referee. A yellow card is usually handed out as punishment for dissent.
  25. To disagree. The word is used in legal circles to refer to the minority opinion of a judge, which runs contrary to the conclusions of the majority.