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discrimination 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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discriminations, plural;
  1. The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, esp. on the grounds of race, age, or sex
    • - victims of racial discrimination
    • - discrimination against homosexuals
  2. Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another
    • - discrimination between right and wrong
    • - young children have difficulties in making fine discriminations
  3. The ability to discern what is of high quality; good judgment or taste
    • - those who could afford to buy showed little taste or discrimination
  4. The ability to distinguish between different stimuli
    • - discrimination learning
  5. The selection of a signal having a required characteristic, such as frequency or amplitude, by means of a discriminator that rejects all unwanted signals

  1. unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice
  2. the cognitive process whereby two or more stimuli are distinguished
  3. (discriminate) marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions; "discriminate judgments"; "discriminate people"
  4. (discriminate) recognize or perceive the difference
  5. (discriminate) treat differently on the basis of sex or race
  6. (discriminating) showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste; "the discriminating eye of the connoisseur"
  7. a distinction; discernment, the act of discriminating, discerning, distinguishing, noting or perceiving differences between things; The state of being discriminated, distinguished from, or set apart; distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage; treatment or consideration ...
  8. (discriminate) To make distinctions; To make decisions based on prejudice
  9. (discriminate) between Soul and non-soul, take their self to be the Supreme, disunite the Ego (Soul) from the body and get liberation after destroying all karmas.
  10. (discriminate) refers to a process of classifying or determining that there is an identifiable difference.  It is an important statistical concept, not to be confused with the social process associated with prejudice and unjust treatment.
  11. (discriminate) v.  ~ ~ A from B see or make a difference (between two things)
  12. (Discriminatory) Segregation: age, racial, religious, sex •Age of candidacy •Blood quantum •Cleanliness of blood •Apartheid •Ethnocracy •Gender roles •Gerontocracy •Ghetto benches •Internment •Jewish quota •Jim Crow laws •MSM blood donor controversy •Numerus clausus •Nuremberg Laws •Racial quota ...
  13. If their is one word that best describes a competent poker player it would be the word, discriminating.  Another word might be, detached.  Some phrases might be, good decision maker, or someone with good judgment.
  14. When an individual acts upon his/her prejudice by denying rights and benefits to others.
  15. Discrimination is when you or a group of people is treated less favourably due to any of the following; race, colour, national or ethnic origin, gender or marital status, disability, religion or political beliefs, sexual preference, age, trade union activity, medical record, pregnancy.
  16. In the context of employee benefits, favorable treatment of highly compensated employees under an employer’s plan.
  17. An intentional or unintentional act which adversely affects employment opportunities because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, marital status, or national origin, or other factors such as age (under particular laws.) See Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.
  18. Outside the testing context, this term usually means treating people differently because they are members of particular groups, e.g., male and female. In the testing context, discrimination means something quite different. ...
  19. Distinction needs to be made between the leaders, the soldiers, and the civilians in the defeated country one is negotiating with. Civilians are entitled to reasonable immunity from punitive post-war measures. This rules out sweeping socio-economic sanctions as part of post-war punishment.
  20. When an individual or thing is treated in a way that is based on their group, class, or category, instead of being treated based on their own individual merit. Examples of discrimination include racial and religious discrimination or discrimination based on mental health status or injury status.
  21. Any act or failure to act, impermissibly based in whole or in part on a person's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental handicap, and/or reprisal, that adversely affects privileges, benefits, working conditions, results in disparate treatment, or had a disparate ...
  22. When a person or group of people is treated differently for an improper reason.
  23. The ability to distinguish between patients with good and poor outcomes.
  24. The practice or act of making distinctions between people on the basis of prejudicial attitudes and beliefs, which leads to the inequitable treatment of individuals or groups.