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dialect 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dialects, plural;
  1. A particular form of a language that is peculiar to a specific region or social group
    • - this novel is written in the dialect of Trinidad
  2. A particular version of a programming language

  1. the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people; "the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English"; "he has a strong German accent"; "it has been said that a language is a dialect with an army and navy"
  2. The term dialect (from the Greek Language word dialektos, Διάλεκτος) is used in two distinct ways, even by linguists. One usage refers to a variety of a language that is characteristic of a particular group of the language's speakers. ...
  3. A dialect of a programming language is a (relatively small) variation or extension of the language that does not change its intrinsic nature. ...
  4. Dialect is an interpreted computer programming language created by George Harth as a college class project on compilers. George and Greg DeLozier expanded the base interpreter at Aristar, Inc. The language has graphical user interface (GUI), networking, and object oriented capabilities.
  5. (dialects) Ashkenazi | Sephardi | Yemenite | Sanaani | Tiberian | Mizrahi | Samaritan Hebrew
  6. (Dialects) Delta Igbo · Enuani Igbo · Ika Igbo · Ikwerre · Izzi
  7. (Dialects) Northern · Central · Southern · Pomor
  9. (Dialects) The written language is uniform, with very few exception: Adjectives are typically conjugated according to (real) gender in Southern Sweden, not at all in high-prestige varieties in the rest of Sweden, but sometimes according to numerus in Finland.
  10. (Dialects) [jinan] ɲiɔ³ [xian] ɲiau³ [taiyuan] niau³ [hankou] niau³ [chengdu] ɲiau³ [yangzhou] niɔ³ [ʐ] tiɔ³ [suzhou] ɲiæ³ [ʐ] tiæ³ [wenzhou] ɲia⁴ [ʐ] tiɛ³ [changsha] ɲiau³ [ʐ] tiau³ [shuangfeng] ɲiɘ³ [ʐ] tiɘ³ [nanchang] ɲiɛu³ [xiamen] niau³ [chaozhou] ʦiɘu³ [fuzhou] leu³ [ʐ] ʦeu³ [shanghai] ...
  11. A particular variety of language spoken in one place by a distinct group of people. A dialect reflects the colloquialisms, grammatical constructions, distinctive vocabulary, and pronunciations that are typical of a region. ...
  12. The regional variety of a language, differing from the standard language, in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation or idiomatic usage.
  13. Generally dialects of a language are more similar than different languages. However, what is a dialect and what is a language is often a political rather than a linguistic question. ...
  14. describes expressions that are mainly used in particular regions of the British Isles, not including Ireland, Scotland or Wales, for example beck, nowt.
  15. A variety of language, spoken in one part of a country which is different in some words, grammar and/or pronunciation from other forms of the same language. [See Richards, J.C., Platt, J. & Platt, H. (1992)]
  16. a regionally or socially distinctive variety of a language, characterized by a particular set of words and grammatical structures. Any language with a reasonable number of speakers will develop dialects, especially if there are geographical barriers separating groups of speakers.
  17. The particular manner of speech of a group of people.  This includes accent (the way a person pronounces words), as well as grammatical features and word usage.
  18. The language of a particular district, class, or group of persons. The term dialect encompasses the sounds, spelling, grammar, and diction employed by a specific people as distinguished from other persons either geographically or socially. ...
  19. A specific implementation of a programming language. You must indicate the correct dialect when creating a new project. If you specify an incorrect dialect this may cause the McCabe parsers to report syntax errors.
  20. Dialect is a speech pattern typical of a certain regional location, race, or social group that exhibits itself through unique word choice, pronunciation, and/or grammatical usage.
  21. refers to choices of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation made by people in different geographical regions or social contexts. The dialect known as 'Standard English' is generally considered to be a prestige dialect and is the choice of many teachers, business people, newsreaders, etc.
  22. functional language (as opposed to historical language).
  23. a form of speech peculiar to a district, class, or person
  24. Language used in the script editor, currently available dialects are English, French and Japanese. Needs the appropriate extension in the Scripting Additions Folder.
  25. If the word is used only by a limited number of speakers, then this shows which speakers use the word.