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deity 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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deities, plural;
  1. A god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion)
    • - a deity of ancient Greece
  2. Divine status, quality, or nature
    • - a ruler driven by delusions of deity
  3. The creator and supreme being (in a monotheistic religion such as Christianity)

  4. A representation of a god or goddess, such as a statue or carving

  1. any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force
  2. A deity is a postulated preternatural or supernatural immortal being, who may be thought of as holy, divine, or sacred, held in high regard, and respected by believers, often religiously referred to as a god.
  3. , (religion) A preternatural or supernatural human or non-human being or entity, or an object that possesses miraculous or supernatural attributes, powers or superpowers (e.g. ...
  4. (Deities) Ancestors that once walked the earth who were elevated to an angelic state
  5. (Deities) Another word for gods and goddesses is 'deities'. Some religions have a single, all-powerful god or deity such as Jahweh in Judaism or Allah in Islam. ...
  6. (Deities) Brahman Ishvara Trimurti Brahma • Vishnu • Shiva Devis and Devas Saraswati · Lakshmi · Parvati Shakti · Durga · Kali Ganesha · Subrahmanya · Ayyappa Rama · Krishna Hanuman Prajapati · Rudra Indra · Agni · Dyaus Bhumi · Varuna · Vayu
  7. (Deities) Etefia Ikono, Atara Ukara, Itauma, Edoho Ekid, Orutin Asang Oron, Itiat Esuk Atabong, Ata Offiong (Eastern) Nsid, Ebuhudo Ebuhu, Anansa Efik, Edoho Ukwa Ekid Afia Etoi (Etoi), Akpasima Ndem Ima Ibesikpo, Anantia Ibiono, Itina Iman, Awa Itam, Atuk Idim Iwawa, Akpan Eduo Ndikpo, Ayang ...
  8. (Deities) Temples are the houses of deities.  These may be Gods and Goddesses, Bodhisattvas (Pusa) and Buddhas (Fo), or simply human beings, such as great historical figures, or one's ancestors.  Thus temples are likely to house one or more statues.
  9. n. Most modern Witches believe in a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses who are associated with many religious traditions around the world, both modern and ancient. ...
  10. (< Latin deus, god < Greek theos< Indo-European base dei-, to gleam, shine) 1. literally, one who gleams or shines. 2. the state of being a god; divine nature.
  11. (1) A supernatural entity worshipped in religion. (2) A God or Goddess.
  12. a God or Goddess. A spiritual being embodying one or several aspects of divine essence.
  13. ‘Yidam’ in Sanskrit. A Tantric enlightened being.
  14. or Dyaus. One of the Gods of the lower heavens, who pretended to be the Creator. He was afterward cast into hell by his own subjects. See p. 386, the false God, Anuhasaj.
  15. A meditational deity; a manifestation of the enlightened minds appearing in a physical form.
  16. an aspect of sacred texture, it refers to God, or divine being, who may exist either in the background or in a direct position of action and speech in a text. This is the realm of theology par excellence--the nature of God and God's action and revelation. ...
  17. god or goddess immortal able to live forever
  18. a god or goddess. Generally understood to be more powerful and knowledgeable than spirits.
  19. Chinese gods, the most popular being Fu; Lu; Shou. Representing Health; Wealth and Long Life. Also known as the Three Lucky Gods
  20. A god or goddess. Sometimes used by Wiccans as a proper noun to refer to a genderless supreme being.
  21. a living being who has achieved Buddhahood, i.e. a Buddha.
  22. a god or goddess, a particular view about a God or godess held by a Wiccan.
  23. That quality possessed by God alone that distinguishes God from every other thing.  It is the essential nature that makes God divine.
  24. Your concept of a divine spirit: the God, the Goddess, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, and so on.
  25. (1) The most powerful sort of "supernatural" being. (2) A powerful pattern in the Switchboard. (3) The memory of a dead hero(ine) or magician. (4) An ancient visitor from outer space. (5) An ancient visitor from inner space. (6) All of the above?